Hi - new Logic Pro user and new LUG forum member 🙂 here.
(Keen as mustard. Maybe a little impatient.)
Hi Mark,
I'm not sure what "keen as mustard" means, since I don't eat mustard, grow mustard, or have any experience with either keen or dull mustard. Is that an Australian saying? The wifey and I are really enjoying an Austrialian-American science fiction show called Farscape, however, so that has to count for something.
Is this group still active: I've tried to contact the admins a couple of times - about the books page (offered to update) and whether/how subscriptions work.
No reply 🙁.
You know how it is-if one person witnesses a crime, that person feels responsible and reports it. However, if a group of people witnesses a crime, everyone thinks the other guy will.
I did get your emails, but you sent them not just to me, but to every admin, so I apologize for not answering, but I figured since it went out to everyone, someone else would get to it (and have better answers).
And my answers that if you read my Sticky in this forum about new plans. And we're
thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis close. In fact, to be completely honest, I wasn't sure if it would have switched over before you got your reply! This is relevant because on the vBulletin 4 site we
do have a books page, and you're perfectly welcome to add to it when it's up. I encourage you to! But for now, we're just waiting. Same with membership-it never got started on vBulletin 3, but now that the changeover is imminent, that also might be activated in the near term (although not at once; we don't want to bite off more than we can chew, better a tiered rollout).
So I hate to apologize and then give you unsatisfying answers, but please accept my apology, enjoy the LUG, and for the questions you have the answer is basically RSN (Real Soon Now). I hate giving that answer, because it can mean so little and be dragged on forever, but it is pretty accurate here.
Where? There? I'm here...are you there?
Things seem to have gone off the rails for this group.
With nothing but respect for your art and your participation, I have no idea what you are talking about. This group has never been more active, we're getting hundreds and hundreds of new members, threads, conversations, and so on, every week. So I'm not sure what rail you're referring to. And if you posted something that wasn't answered, that sucks, and you have my sympathy-trust me, even as an admin I've posted things that go unanswered. Sometimes nobody has anything to say; it happens.
I probably sound a bit snarky, please don't take offense. If that sounds a bit defensive, as I say above, we've put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this (and
time...we've told you repeatedly this is a labour of love, we don't see a single penny for all we do to maintain, build, and improve this community). We're
so close to improving this forum technically, which will make it easier for members to participate with articles, to find what they're looking for, to communicate with each other, and so on, that to hear someone write something so flippantly dismissive as you did chaffs a bit. But anyway, keep on enjoying the site and you'll see what we've been up to, and hopefully we'll be back on whatever rail you feel we're skirting now.
Peace, love, and Logic Pro,