Logic Studio apps Joystick controller with MS?

Joystick controller with MS

I use a Korg nanoPad, which feature a pad that issue 2 dimensional MIDI control messages simultaneously (in parallel). I setup two sliders (on horizontal and one vertical) to mimic the movement on the pad. I did not find such joystick or 2D pad items in the layout part of the program... Besides that, it works if you set the proper parameters...
Hey, thanks for the reply.

I use a Korg nanoPad, which feature a pad that issue 2 dimensional MIDI control messages simultaneously (in parallel). I setup two sliders (on horizontal and one vertical) to mimic the movement on the pad.

I actually tried that myself but had a bit of trouble getting MS to recognise the movements properly, on account of my unsteady hand. 🙂
That is to say that after clicking learn and then moving the joystick vertically, there would inevitably be a little lateral movement too, screwing up the learn process.

I gave up after five or six attempts. Maybe I'll have another go.

I did not find such joystick or 2D pad items in the layout part of the program... Besides that, it works if you set the proper parameters...

How did you set your parameters for it?

Thanks again,
It's a matter of entering the data manually

Well the "Learn" feature (in the Layout" page) is one convenient way to program the response of MainStage to your controller but it is not the only method... You could enter the parameters one by one (under the Learn button), selecting the appropriate values (mainly) in the Device, Channel, Type, Number drop-down menus...
Pointing the mouse at these menus will make popup a description of each of them, which will guide you through. Of course you will need to know in advance the CC#s (continuous controller numbers) from your (hardware) joystick (or program it if you can) in order to make it correspond to the MainStage Number parameter.