Logic Pro 9 Just purchased Logic Pro 9


I loaded Logic Studio today. I haven't even set up my interface yet, but I wanted to hear sounds Logic ships with the program, so I dropped a Midi file from a piano prelude I wrote ages ago, and was going to arrange on Opcode Vision. So I dropped it in the top track and it accepted it just fine and dandy. I chose a Bosedorfer to play it back and it sounded pretty fair, especially since I was listening through the MBP speakers...🙂

I copied the track and placed it in track two, deleted notes, and selected a choir to "sing what was left". Both tracks played the choir.

Early this year I produced a disco show on Garage Band, and it was all very intuitive, but Logic seems not to be.

I read several people's inquiries into similar issues, although they all were dealing with plugin 3rd party stuff. I couldn't make sense of the questions or the answers. :brkwl:

Are there simple steps to follow to get tracks to play back different instruments?
First thing: read the little intro book that came with Logic Pro studio, it is an excellent starting point.

There are good tutorials at both Groove 3 and Mac Pro video, Peachpit has 2 Logic Pro 9 books, one basic and one advanced....

The only way to learn a program as deep and intricate as logic is to put in some time... it is like any instrument one learns: it takes hour and hours of practice for things to even start to become natural, and you really don't have to know everything about Logic to make great music, about 10% seems about right for most people it seems.

You are at it ONE day.... I couldn't even play 2 chords after 1 day on guitar.

Now, you answer: open an instrument track, load in one of the built in instruments (EXS is a good place to start for "real" sounds). Put your midi data (called a region) onto the
arrange page.... open the inspector, and look at the leftmost fader on the bottom... that is your current track (as long as you have it selected in the arrange page). just below the letters I/O is the place you will find the VI's. Load one up and change the patched... easy. But really, if you read the little book that comes with Logic Pro... YOU WOULD ALREADY KNOW THAT... right?

Good luck...
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Thank you for the quick reply. I apologize for being impatient. I did peruse the booklet, but didn't recognize anything pertaining to the stuff I was trying to wing, which was to do as you instructed, and I did get that far, but then to add another track, copy material over from the first track, edit, and apply a second instrument to it. When I tried that, everything played with the second instrument's patch.

I will go through each of the booklet's "try this" examples while I wait for the How-to book to arrive. Is it a difficult process to basically set up a "Conductor's Score" in the Arrange Window and work on different tracks to build the sequence?
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LVP one thing Logic is able to do is create several tracks that all send to the same mix rail. I think what you might have done, rather than create a new track (with a new output etc.) is create another track pointed at Instrument 1 in the mixer, so when you made changes to the instrument, you actually got rid of your Bosendorfer in favour of the choir. You need to create a totally new track...that will involve some reading...
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it also might be a midi patch change of some sort reverting any sound to the old one. Open the event list and take a look for a patch change command.

What exactly do you mean by "conductor score"?
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it also might be a midi patch change of some sort reverting any sound to the old one. Open the event list and take a look for a patch change command.

What exactly do you mean by "conductor score"?

Thank you both, I did some YouTube perusing and have seen some issues you discuss, and at least where to start learning. At least now I know a few terms and where to find some stuff.
By Conductor's Score, I mean tracks with the layout in order of a conductor's score.
Typically, in orchestra, as you are undoubtably aware but some readers may find this useful, the score begins with woodwinds, brass, percussion, various additions such as piano, and ends with Strings, bass at the, ahem, bottom...
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LVP one thing Logic is able to do is create several tracks that all send to the same mix rail. I think what you might have done, rather than create a new track (with a new output etc.) is create another track pointed at Instrument 1 in the mixer, so when you made changes to the instrument, you actually got rid of your Bosendorfer in favour of the choir. You need to create a totally new track...that will involve some reading...
Sonny, I believe that is exactly what happened.
I believe some of the answer lies in checking the midi info in the inspector, and learning how to understand the Channel strips info.
All this was relatively "set" in my old Studio Vision program. Midi channels, outputs, etc. were setup and essentially could be forgotten. Of course it required a road rack of stuff to play it all back...
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Thank you for the quick reply. I apologize for being impatient. I did peruse the booklet, but didn't recognize anything pertaining to the stuff I was trying to wing, which was to do as you instructed, and I did get that far, but then to add another track, copy material over from the first track, edit, and apply a second instrument to it. When I tried that, everything played with the second instrument's patch.

I will go through each of the booklet's "try this" examples while I wait for the How-to book to arrive. Is it a difficult process to basically set up a "Conductor's Score" in the Arrange Window and work on different tracks to build the sequence?

Hey there,
There are also many tutorial video companies that cover all the
Basics for starting with Logic.
Searching the boards here too is a great resource but can be time consuming.
If you don't mind shelling out a few bucks, you can purchase and usually download immediately, the vid of your choice.
Also, search for LogicNinja up on YouTube who has produced literally hundreds of FREE videos covering many aspects of Logic.
Jay Asher (who contributes here,) wrote a great book which I bought and am blanking on the name of, (sorry, Jay! I'm out of the house right now and can't remember the name! Help anyone!)
Logic can seem cumbersome and daunting compared to a consumer program like Garage-Band.
That is what separates the pro applications from the consumer ones I'm afraid.
But that's actually a good thing because Professional software gives you options that consumer apps can't.
The point is that there are tutorial sources and books that can get you up and running pretty quick.

Best of luck!
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The book is called "Going Pro with Logic Pro 9" by Jay Asher. (whew!)

Thank you for both replies, Charlie. That looks like a great reference.

Actually, I used the Vision Studio program for years, but it was such an easy interface I didn't have to do much study before creating multitrack symphonic stuff, or layered sound landscapes for a couple of video projects I got pulled into doing.
I realize Logic will be way more powerful a tool.:thmbup:

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