Logic Pro 7 & earlier LAP 5.5.1 and System Clock Error

Bruce Alan

New Member

A couple years ago I finally made a switch from Logic 5.5.1 for PC to Sonar. Since that time I have not done any work in Logic and have also moved to another PC less than a year ago. I wanted to get back in to Logic to start exporting my songs and work on them in Sonar.

I loaded Logic onto the newer machine, tried to open Logic, and immediately got the following error:

The system clock on your machine is wrong! Check the time, date, and time zone settings. 2.1.2012

This computer's particulars are:

Studio Cat (manufacturer)
Win 7
Intel i7 processor at 3.4 GHz
64 bit

I though maybe it would be best to just go back to my original DAW, reinstall Logic (as this has become my daily machine, I initially uninstalled Logic), and try again as Logic ran on the old machine just fine for about 4 years. Same exact error result on the following machine stats:

Studio Cat
Win XP, SP3
Intel Core 2 6600 2.4GHz

This leads me to wonder if the XSKey is somehow bad now. The key has been sitting on a shelf next to me for the last year and not dropped, beaten, abused, or molested in any manner. It looks physically as fine as the day I bought it.

Has anyone else seen this error and have any thoughts on what I need to do? I have searched high and low in this forum this evening before posting now.

Thank you so much for any knowledge you might have.
Yes, it might be the XSKey gone bad.

If you have access to a Mac, you can repair it by downloading the "XSKey Updater" and running it. Otherwise you are probably out of luck: the XSKey is long gone.
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Well darn, that didn't work. Now, with an updated XSKey, it thinks I am trying to run a demo version. Here's to hoping to eventually find an old XSKey someone wants to sell or rent or loan.
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Thank you for that suggestion, Muziekschuur. I've since picked up a version of the Mac OS from that era and just waiting to get a Mac also from that era on the cheap. I'll try that route as a last ditch effort. Always also keeping my eyes open for a full version of 5.xxx in case it actually comes available.
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shoot me an email and I might be able to help.
I have Logic 5.3 running under WIN7 64 bit. Because I use the SI-24 (from the Roland studio package II). I allso have the RPC-1 running under W7 64 bit.

Just this week. As I was discussing remote controllers. And under Logic my SI24 allways has those nice coloured leds. Ha it actually works... And compared to Sonar X1 it aint half bad either... But then again I ran into the invironment. Never could get my head around that...
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