Is there a way to have Logx8 while having a track record enabled to be recording all the time when in play and then hitting the record key command
and the audio would be captured kinda like what Logx can do w/MIDI: capture after the fact as long as Logx is in play of course. I've been doing this w Logx 6 and DAE for 20 years. Sure has caught allot of, off the cuff magic not to mention practicing along w a seq and then capturing it saving the great moments.
If it does it I really want to know. I thought I read it some where.
and the audio would be captured kinda like what Logx can do w/MIDI: capture after the fact as long as Logx is in play of course. I've been doing this w Logx 6 and DAE for 20 years. Sure has caught allot of, off the cuff magic not to mention practicing along w a seq and then capturing it saving the great moments.
If it does it I really want to know. I thought I read it some where.