Logic Pro 9 Logic 7-9

Can one go from 7-9 (skipping 8)?

Yes, of course. In fact, where space is tight, it could even make sense to have a system with Logic 7 for backwards compatibility, and Logic 9 as the current version with all the latest bells and whistles, and leave logic 8 out altogether.

But there is nothing that will prevent you installing the L9 upgrade without L8 being present. Just have your XSKey nearby when installing - (but you have that anyway for L7.

kind regards

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Yes, of course. In fact, where space is tight, it could even make sense to have a system with Logic 7 for backwards compatibility, and Logic 9 as the current version with all the latest bells and whistles, and leave logic 8 out altogether.

Thats exactly what we did. (or are doing I should say) Cloning everything on one machine. That way we can slide out the hard drive sleds on one system (containing Logic 7 and Tiger) and slide in another set containing Logic 9 and Snow Leopard to test for incompatibility issues. I'm going to skip going to 8 altogether (thank god) and also skip Leopard (i.e. go straight to SL)

This the safest way. I cant afford to lose a single EXs instrument or anything for that matter. The only remaining dilemma is wether to update to the latest Logic 9 version (.1) or wait for the next update.

Its my understanding the original 9 is more stable then its update.
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Thats exactly what we did. (or are doing I should say) Cloning everything on one machine. That way we can slide out the hard drive sleds on one system (containing Logic 7 and Tiger) and slide in another set containing Logic 9 and Snow Leopard to test for incompatibility issues. I'm going to skip going to 8 altogether (thank god) and also skip Leopard (i.e. go straight to SL)

Cloning is IMO a very good idea, as well as the idea of leaving your old working HD untouched. I presume you never used L8? If that is the case than you are probably OK in not bothering with it and going straight from 7 to 9. If you do have some L8 projects, than it would make sense to still be able to access them in L8.

Its my understanding the original 9 is more stable then its update.

My experiences with both have been very good, I haven't noticed that 9.0.1 is any less stable than 9.0. But, the sensible thing to do is to save a copy of 9.0 before you update to 9.0.1 so you can revert back if necessary.

kind regards

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Lol. Ok today I decided I just have tooooo much s*i* man. We cant get three quarters of our plugs to pass validation in logic 9 (AND in Logic 7 now that its on Snow Leopard) Keeps mistakenly popping us over to the PACE site. I am thinking that some of these plugs I have will NEVER be updated for SL. Well tomorrows another day. Thank god for the way were doing this. All I have to do now is pop out the SL HD sleds and pop in the old system and aweee we go.

PS: MUCH to my astonishment MOTU actually had their act together and had up-to-date drivers for 424's and 2408 MK3's and 2's.

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Right but when I update PACE and they tell you if the problem persists then they ask you to contact each manufacturer of each plugin. In my case that would be a lot of letters. Ah. Is ok. I swapped out all SL items and went back to Tiger for now.
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