Logic Pro 8 Logic 8 crashes on shutdown


Interesting bug; any suggestions appreciated.

New Quad 2.66 Xeon, 8Gb RAM, 4xinternal drives, 1xFW Lacie 1Tb, OS 10.6.1, Logic 8.0.2, outputting from line-out at this time.

The problem began once I started installing third party AUs including Komplete 6 and various free plugs, though they have all passed validation.

Cheers all.
Were you able to see if any of the 3rd party plugins were mentioned in the crash log? Sometimes, the thread that crashed may have the name of an AU in it. That could be an indication as to the source of the problem.

Incidentally, crashes on quit with Logic 8 in Snow Leopard are mentioned in this Apple KB Document:


HTH, kind regards

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Thanks Mark - I looked at the log and it mentions Battery 3 and Kontakt 4.

I disabled all NI plugins and reintroduced one by one.

These seem to be OK: Absynth 5, Absynth 5 FX, FM8, Massive, Reaktor 5, Reaktor 5 FX, Guitar Rig FX, Guitar Rig MFX

These seem to cause a problem: FM8 FX, Battery 3, Kontakt 4.

I can post the crash log if required. I will report to NI now. Thanks for your help!
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NI tech support response

Just got this from NI support:

"This is known issue with Logic 8 under Mac OS 10.6.x. It does not occur under 10.5.x and when you use Logic 9 under 10.6.x it also works fine.

In case you are using 10.6.x we recommend to upgrade to Logic 9."
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