Logic Pro 9 Logic 9.1 32-bit?


OK ... stoopid noob question of the day ... :redface:

Running Logic Pro 9 (just ran the Apple update to 9.1) on my MacBook Pro OSX 10.6.2, 2.53 Core2 Duo w/4GB RAM.

On startup, Logic shows up with a little (32-bit) in brackets on the splash screen. It either was not there before or I did not notice it. I just recently bought Logic 9 and this was a first update.

I thought Logic 9 was 64-bit? Did this update revert it for some reason or ... :confused:

Thanks all!
Running Logic Pro 9 (just ran the Apple update to 9.1) on my MacBook Pro OSX 10.6.2, 2.53 Core2 Duo w/4GB RAM.

Question already answered, but with "only" 4GB of memory there is very little reason to go beyond 32-bit anyway.

Right ... would it be *better* to run in 32-bit to avoid unnecessary memory drain?

I run a lot of guitar tracks with Guitar Rig 4 (8-12, not all at the same time though) and usually 1 or 2 instrument tracks and some vocals with EQ, Compressor + a few FX buses for Reverb and such.

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