whats up guys. had a question.I downloaded a demo version of Rob Papen Predator and Albino 3. I notice that these plug-ins are cpu hogs.I had other plug-ins open but not playing them in Logic.Iam interested in both plug-ins and i want to use them effectively,what should i do to bring down the cpu levels.I haven't been using freeze just yet cause aim not doing any audio and the other plug-ins aren't doing any damage and i was only demo each Vsti one at a time,didn't have both open.just need some advice,I have a macbook pro with a 2.4 intel duo core with 2 gigs of ram.I would welcome all suggestions on this subject,aim a nebbie on this so help a brotha out, Peace!😛.S; shouls i should i buy these 2 VSti should i install them on a separate drive?just a thought.