Logic Pro 9 Logic 9 Good Reverb Patches

Can anyone give me some steps or preset/patches of good or great reverb sounds for lead vocals, within the logic 9 reverb plugins 'Gold' 'Platinum' etc!...I hear fab reverbs on records and cant seem to emulate or get anywhere near the quality or sound of the current record reverb sounds...or am I just whistling in the wind? 🙁
I await patiently in anticipation.
Can anyone give me some steps or preset/patches of good or great reverb sounds for lead vocals, within the logic 9 reverb plugins 'Gold' 'Platinum' etc!...I hear fab reverbs on records and cant seem to emulate or get anywhere near the quality or sound of the current record reverb sounds...or am I just whistling in the wind? 🙁
I await patiently in anticipation.

I would also add that what you hear on professional recordings may not be simply about the Reverb type used but more about how the entire project was recorded, produced, mixed & mastered...
The lead vocals that you are trying to emulate most likely may have been recorded with great (expensive) microphones, been over-dubbed and layered, compressed & EQ'd to bring out the best of the performance.

If you are looking for tips, perhaps post a link to the song recording you are referencing?
It can be daunting trying to emulate a recording technique when you are unsure where to start. Good luck, though! :hippy:
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I usually start with the default, or a preset that gets me in to the ballpark.
Then I tweak, if I love it I save the preset.

You can buy 3rd party presets, Loopmasters has channel strips for sale, also synth patches.

This and other Logic related sites have downloads sections.

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Automate the send . . ?

Can I add that I also automate the reverb SEND.

You can have a lush sounding reverb which would be way too
'swimmy' and over the top, but if you ride the send level till the end
of a word or phrase you can hear it 'bloom' in the spaces,
giving the impression of a big reverb without the drowning effect.

Avoiding the 'plosives' is quite easy.

Give it a try.

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