I'm having a huge problem. All I can find on the internet about is this problem is even more people who has this problem. No solutions...
My problem:
I bought a new Mac Pro with 14 gb memory along with Pro Tools 9 crossgrade and Logic 9 upgrade.
Pro Tools upgraded easily and works like a charm. I can use all my processors and everything is works better then before.
Now... Logic 9 is a real pain in the ass. Before Logic 9 I worked with Logic Pro 8 on an old Mac Pro with 6 gb memory. It worked really good. But for bigger sessions it became to slow.
With Logic 9 on my now Mac Pro all the sessions keeps on crashing because of low memory. Even the old Logic 8 projects who worked PERFECTLY on the old mac...
What is going on here? Why can't I use my full 14gb of memory on the newest Mac Pro. And why is Logic 9 crashing and telling me that there is low memory with even a few plugins?
Can anyone help me out? This really frustrating for such expensive software. At the moment I can not work with Logic and I really need it for the people I work for.
I'm having a huge problem. All I can find on the internet about is this problem is even more people who has this problem. No solutions...
My problem:
I bought a new Mac Pro with 14 gb memory along with Pro Tools 9 crossgrade and Logic 9 upgrade.
Pro Tools upgraded easily and works like a charm. I can use all my processors and everything is works better then before.
Now... Logic 9 is a real pain in the ass. Before Logic 9 I worked with Logic Pro 8 on an old Mac Pro with 6 gb memory. It worked really good. But for bigger sessions it became to slow.
With Logic 9 on my now Mac Pro all the sessions keeps on crashing because of low memory. Even the old Logic 8 projects who worked PERFECTLY on the old mac...
What is going on here? Why can't I use my full 14gb of memory on the newest Mac Pro. And why is Logic 9 crashing and telling me that there is low memory with even a few plugins?
Can anyone help me out? This really frustrating for such expensive software. At the moment I can not work with Logic and I really need it for the people I work for.