Hello there Senor, I'm a MIDI guy and I'd be glad to help. First off, there are some pretty non-standard conventions in Logic-Land regarding MIDI. You can dial in to your existing AudioMIDI Setup, or you can use Logic to custom define all kinds of setups. So let's talk about your rig for a minute:
The FastLane has two MIDI in/out ports. But alack, you have three devices; the PC88, S80, and MicroPiano. So my question to you is: How do you have your MIDI rig configured? For example, what's coming in to FastLane ins 1 and 2, and what's going out from FastLane 1 and 2?
One will note (in this case you, not Keanu Reeves, are the one) that the inspector window is really helpful for this stuff. Go to your Arrange window and click on a MIDI track. You can show/hide the inspector window by pressing "i" or by going to the Arrange window's 'View' menu and choosing Inspector.
So now look to all those pesky parameters on the left there. You should see two main sections with triangles next to them, the first being 'MIDI Thru' and the next being the name of your MIDI track. If you click on the triangle next to each section, it should show/hide parameters for that section. You still with me, or are your eyes glazed over with confusion?
What you want to do next is to click on the arrow in that second section, so it shows that MIDI track's Icon, Port, Channel, etc. Here's my guess regarding your problem: You need to click on the PC88 MIDI track, then look at the Inspector window for that track, and make sure that your Port is set to the correct FastLane port. Further along that line of thinking, the next parameter is MIDI Channel. What channel is each device set to, and is this accurately reflected in the Inspector window?
The Inspector window can be a real timesaver, or a real confuser. You can set a MIDI track's midi interface port, midi channel, program change, volume, pan, key ranges, and all kinds of stuff. I usually turn most of it off and only mess with the ports and channels, but your needs might differ.
So there are some ideas to get you started. Lemme know if you need more info wouldja.