Logic Pro 9 Logic 9 no sound intermitant


Im a having a problem with Logic 9 where every now and then (about 50% of the time) I have no input or output signal.
I am running a Saffire 6 USB into a Quad core i7 iMac, with a condenser plugged mic into the Saffire 6.
When it works it wourks well, but I can save, close the program, open it the next day with nothing changed and all of a sudden there is no I/O sound.
Sometimes it fixes it if I switch my output from built in speakers to Saffire 6 and then back to inbuilt speakers. Sometimes it doesn't.
It seems really random.
Has anyone had any problems with the Saffire 6 with Logic 9? Or are there any other ideas out there that may help.?
Thanks all
Have you looked to see if there are any newer drivers for the Saffire?

Is the Saffire connected directly to the computer or is there a device between them?

Are your energy saver settings disabled, so your computer and drives won't sleep when doing music or audio recording? Sometimes a sleep will corrupt the drivers and how they work.

Either sounds like a saffire issue to me.
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Thank you for that, updated driver sorted it out. Eventually. For the first 3 hours after installing it I didn't even get a usb connection light and it would not come up as an option in Logic as an input device. Three reinstals of the driver later it has been working without a hiccup so far.

Fingers crossed it stays that way.

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