Hi there, ive been having this issue with logic just dropping out for a second or two and then coming back on line. The CPU doesn't seem to max out as i am running a 2.8 Xeon dual quadcore with 14gb of RAM. I'm also getting an external midi sample rate error message even though im not running any external gear. This incidentally isn't occurring at the same time as the drop out .. it just freezes up .. i get the errror message.. I press ok and Im back in there but it is glitchy and is slowing my workflow. Any ideas would be great. I do run Omnisphere quite lot but I make sure that I keep the Cpu generally under control by 'bouncing in place' instruments that are too CPU heavy. I should be able to figure it out as i've been working with logic since Logic 3 in about 1999 but I can't. thanks