Working on some mostly midi stuff today I was experiencing some bizarre behavior where as some of my vi's (K3, omnisphere) weren't always following the volume change info. I would have a piano set to 43 and would go to mix the song it will have jumped up to 127. Sometimes the fader was up, sometimes the fader was still at 43. Also would happen if I had committed the change in automation or not. I've checked prefs and nothing's checked in the input filter. Also, these songs were imported midi files from the client from some big home yamaha thing. I went through the tracks looking at them in the event list and got rid of all the extra cc garbage (in which there was a lot). I don't know if some midi voodoo was imported in the process. Was thinking about deleting prefs to see if that fixed it. Of course this stuff only happens when I'm on the clock and have someone watching! Good times.