Logic Pro 9.1 and TDM Outtakes


what a crap i've just upgraded pro tools to pcie, macintel pro, waves tdm and logic 9
and now.. after a month... BAM no more support!!!!!!

EDITED: logic 9.1 works fine with tdm so the whole discussion has no sense.
what a crap i've just upgraded pro tools to pcie, macintel pro, waves tdm and logic 9
and now.. after a month... BAM no more support!!!!!!
i'm again stucked with latest compatible versions like before, but with 10000 euro less.. can i say **** off both apple and digi?

Why do you blame Apple? Avid/Digi killed support for Logic and DP, not Apple.
what a crap i've just upgraded pro tools to pcie, macintel pro, waves tdm and logic 9
and now.. after a month... BAM no more support!!!!!!
i'm again stucked with latest compatible versions like before, but with 10000 euro less.. can i say **** off both apple and digi?

Why do you blame Apple? Avid/Digi killed support for Logic and DP, not Apple.

EDITED: You're right, hope digidesign logic/motu support will be back with newer pt releases

By the way every time there's a new payed logic update there are tons of new issues, They should rewrite the code from scratch, instead of adding features on the old one, logic looks like a pair of jeans with holes and patchworks on it.
I've sent about 5 tickets at digidesign in the last 15 years, 2 of that in the last 2 months, i have NEVER got an answer.
Yeah probably you are right, i should blame just digidesign, also because browsing this forum i've just discovered that exists a logic feedback form, i should have known before!!