Logic Pro 9 Logic Pro 9.1 Update


Logic Pro 9.1 Update
This update delivers improved compatibility and numerous fixes.

Issues addressed include:

Support for 64-bit native mode
Compatibility with 64-bit Audio Unit plug-ins
File names with over 32 characters are now supported
Samples are now mapped correctly when using the "Contiguous Zones" option in the EXS editor
Updated System Requirements

32-bit mode requires Mac OS X 10.5.7 or later
64-bit mode requires Mac OS X 10.6.2 or later
The update is recommended for all users of Logic Pro 9.

For detailed information on this update, including some restrictions when working in 64-bit mode, please visit this website: http://support.apple.com/kb/ts2565
MOTU will also abandon PPC.

But if Digital Performer which is (temporarily) PPC compatible appeals to you more than Logic8 and the prospect of a future Logic9/10/11 etc. on IntelMac, then go for it.

MOTU's web page makes Digital Performer 7 look spectacular, but MOTU Nation's forum has a slough of disgruntled DP7 users, so I will most likely just hang with 9.02 for a while. The MOTU Nation's forum kept talking about crashes. No thank you, I'll take stability over bells and whistles any day. I was at Logic 5.51 on a PC up until fall of 2008, and consequently missed all the fun with Logic 6 and 7. Logic 8 was a reprieve from the agonizing learning curve with 5.51. It's not like I didn't seeing the Fall of the House of G5 coming. And I don't mind Life in the Past Lane for a while.
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Logic Pro 9.1 crashing

there must an incompatibility with some of my AUs but 32 bit 9.1 is crashing every time it starts. I'm glad that 9.02 is still fine - doing a music for a DVD now and will investigate further when I have time. Don't have anything weird -Native Instruments, Camel, Bluetubes, Zebra, Play, BFD.....
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I've found this too with capture last recording and thought I wasn't doing something right preference-wise. No crashes for me yet.

Still finding that plug in windows being open render a lot of key commands useless in an ad-hoc way. Maybe not as many transport commands but arrange window view ones for instance. I have the hide plug in windows set to "B" to get them out the way when I get annoyed.
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Hey Guys -

just running some tests on my rig with 9.1 and wondering if anyone has noticed a delay between hitting the play button and the song commencing playback... I have run some tests..

In L9.1 I open up a 64bit session. if I then instantiate 30 tracks of RMX @ 32 bit mode (so the 32bit bridge is automatically loaded) and I hit play there is about half a second pause between that and playback commencing... and the more 32 bit plgs I insert in the session - the greater the delay...

If i then take all those out - and instantiate 30 tracks of RMX@ 64bit mode.. there is no delay in playback commencing once I hit the play control on the comp kbd. This is also true of all other 32bit plugs...the more there are the longer the delay before playback.

FYI - Plug in latency is fine and my buffer settings are as they were and are also fine... and the midi controller keyboard is also working fine so nothing to do with plugin compensation settings....it is just this weird delay on hitting play... anyone else getting this???

I am figuring it is something to do with the 32bit bridge as it is not present in a normal 32bit session in Logic 9.02 or when I use 64bit plugs in a 64 bit session in Logic 9.1 - which is fine if everyone else has it

Can someone else do this test so I can figure out whether it my rig or just a quirk of Apples 32/64 bridge....

Thanks in advance...


[10.6.2 - 3Ghz 8 core mac pro Xeon - L9.1 - 18GB RAM]
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Paul, I notice a delay as well between pressing play, and playback commencing, when running Logic 9.1 in 64 bit mode. Possibly the 32 bit Audio Unit Bridge requires some extra buffering?

kind regards

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Paul, I notice a delay as well between pressing play, and playback commencing, when running Logic 9.1 in 64 bit mode. Possibly the 32 bit Audio Unit Bridge requires some extra buffering?

kind regards


Hey Mark - that is *great* news 😉 At least it is not one of those annoying quirks that can crop up on your system and your system only.... Still absolutely ecstatic that Apple have got the 64 bit prog online.

Q when you say the 32 bit bridge might need extra buffering - do you mean that 'they' (apple) need to do that in the code or are you saying there is a setting we can get in and adjust? because I've not found anything yet.

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Q when you say the 32 bit bridge might need extra buffering - do you mean that 'they' (apple) need to do that in the code or are you saying there is a setting we can get in and adjust? because I've not found anything yet.


I am just speculating as to what may be the reason for there being this slight delay - and I could be completely wrong.

kind regards

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over here melodyne bridge is not happening with the 64bit version: lost 3 hours of editing just now, when AU bridge crashed (twice) & wiped all melodyne tracks clean, despite saving regularly. Be warned!
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Logic Pro 9.1 crashing

there must an incompatibility with some of my AUs but 32 bit 9.1 is crashing every time it starts. I'm glad that 9.02 is still fine - doing a music for a DVD now and will investigate further when I have time. Don't have anything weird -Native Instruments, Camel, Bluetubes, Zebra, Play, BFD.....

a couple of days further on and Logic 9.1 is the only Logic version that I've tried that is completely unstable - it crashes every time I attempt to start it in 32 bit mode, with the same set up that works perfectly in 9.02.

Tried removing all AUs, Midi devices and using my macs audio, plus trashing preferences. The result is the same - it gets to the point where its looking at my control devices and BOING! it crashes - Apple must have lots of my crash reports so far. Anyone have any ideas, please?

mid 2009 3.06 GHz imac, 10.6.2, 6 GB ram

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Ok, "capture last take" is still entirely broken in cycle mode.
What I use(d) to do all the time when, say, creating beats:
- Set up a cycle.
- Play along until I'm happy.
- Press CLT command.
- Perhaps quantize the recorded part.
- Create a new track using the same object and continue with another part of the drum/percussion instrument.
- Eventually merge everything together into one region.

Now, here's how CLT gets in the way since L9.0.2:
- It always creates a take folder even if you deactivated the take folder feature for MIDI recordings. This, clearly, is a bug as CLT *is* a MIDI recording.
- Unlike with earlier Logic versions, the created part isn't selected anymore, so pressing "quantize", "loop" or whatever you desire requires an extra selection step.
- Take folder regions can't be merged, so before doing so, you need to flatten all the created take folders.

All this leads to CLT being a much more time consuming and a way less elegant technique than what it was before.

I have reported these bugs (and misconceptions) in great detail to Apple as soon as 9.0.2 came out.

Seriously, this is rendering one of my most used techniques in Logic close to unuseable. I used CLT to save massive amounts of time when doing things such as described above, now I have to click around all the time when using it. Pretty sad, especially given that all of it is based on a bug (the creation of take folders, regardless of your MIDI recording preferences) which should be relatively easy to adress.

- Sascha
Although this might be off thread now, I'd like to second Sascha's remorse over the extra steps needed now for "capture last take." It used to be just a quick key command and move on. That's the kind of nice and easy (you might say elegant) stuff we like about Logic. Unfortunately it is apparently still not back to the very nice little elegant feature that we knew and loved. (I'm still going through these comments before I go to 9.1 though, so I can't confirm that it still doesn't work...)

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I've got good news and bad news:
The good news is: as has been reported, 9.02 is still there if you need it.
The bad news is: I need it.
I'm psyched that there is upgrading action, but here's a heads up for those who might have early 3.0 MHz quad core Mac Pros like mine running 10.6.2.

In 32 bit mode, when I double click on an audio region to open up the sample editor, Logic freezes up and quits. I've tried this on one song originally made in Logic 9 and one originally made from my old trusted template from Logic 8 (or earlier?). Same results.

So I went to 64 bit mode by finding info on the logic app icon (command I) and unclicking "open in 32 bit mode," Now when I double click on an audio region, Logic does not quit, but takes about three minutes to open the region in the sample editor. Real drag. Real strange.

When I open regions in 9.02 that were saved in 9.1 everything acts as expected: I double click and voila, sample region is there and usable.

In 9.1, double clicking on audio regions in the arrange page causes the above problems, but, audio regions can be opened by clicking on the "sample editor" button at the bottom of the arrange page and the sample editor opens as expected.

This seems to be a very basic (mis)function that for me makes 9.1 unfortunately unusable.
I'm really looking forward to the fix.
Has anybody else experienced this? Or do you know how to fix the problem?

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It's all these little things that don't seem to see much love anymore at Apple (ok, the "capture last take" issue isn't that little, it's more like a rather massive bug, depending on how much you're used to CLT).
Just as another example: Ever since L9 (or .0.2), Logics very own internal plugins are "stealing" keycommands. Not that us Logic users haven't been used to it when it comes to 3rd party plugins since ages already, but it has never been an issue with the internal ones (which don't make any use of KCs anyway, apart from "previous/next patch"). Now, with L9, check this: Open, say, an EXS and then try to trigger your KC to open the media browser. Doesn't work. Again (as so often with any Logic version newer than 7) it requires extra clicking.
With L8, I could open an EXS, press "B" (my KC for the media browser) and instantly see all my EXS patches. Ever since L9 I have to re-click the instrument slot.
And well, instead of things getting better, they're getting worse and worse with 3rd party plugins. With, say, Battery 3 focused, not even a substantial KC such as CMD+S is working anymore (and it's not as if CMD+S would do anything inside Battery). No issue with any previous Logic versions. Not adressed in 9.1, either. Just as not a single window focusing issue has been adressed at all. Things were getting really bad with L8 already (with the socalled "Pro Application" window layout - inclucing things such as removing colored window buttons, quite something we always asked for...), so one could've hoped (at least I did) that someone would take care of it with L9 - but in fact, the opposite has happened, the window focusing issues are worse than ever before (both by technical and "optical" means).
As said, all these "little" issues (among them quite some things that us old Logic users loved for decades) don't see much love anymore.
However, I could even partially live with all that - if they weren't messing up such elemental goodies as CLT, for which there is absolutely no workaround but clickety-clickety madness.

- Sascha
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I have 9.1 and can confirm that cycle and capture last recording still produces a take folder no matter how the preference is set. There's a key command for flatten take which actually works for midi now. There's also a KC for select next region on selected track but it's not elegant.

The window focus thing I find trying too. Why should the whole program behave differently when a plug in window happens to be open? I've set toggle plug in windows to "B" to get them out of the way for now.
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In 32 bit mode, when I double click on an audio region to open up the sample editor, Logic freezes up and quits. I've tried this on one song originally made in Logic 9 and one originally made from my old trusted template from Logic 8 (or earlier?). Same results.

Can't reproduce this. Doubleclicked audio regions open fine (and fast) in the sample editor. MB 2.4GHz, 10.6.2 here (32bit).

- Sascha
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I have 9.1 and can confirm that cycle and capture last recording still produces a take folder no matter how the preference is set. There's a key command for flatten take which actually works for midi now. There's also a KC for select next region on selected track but it's not elegant.

The window focus thing I find trying too. Why should the whole program behave differently when a plug in window happens to be open? I've set toggle plug in windows to "B" to get them out of the way for now.

i've used clt quite a lot in the last days.. never got a take folder to be honest.
for me is working like logic 8, can't see any difference sorry
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