Logic Pro 9 Logic Pro 9: Training Options?


I've been using Logic for quite a while. Probably not as long as many of you, but I think I started with version 4. However, for a little while now, I've been feeling like I haven't been getting the most out of Logic -- both due to just carrying forward old skills without updating and due to old skills not often used getting lost in the shuffle. Also, I just (finally) upgraded to Logic Pro 9. I think it's time I settled down for a complete ground-up revamp. I've particularly enjoyed the few DVD tutorials that Native Instruments put out for, for example, Kontakt 2 (I wish they'd update it), and I find that I'm more likely to go through something like that than to slog through a thick book.

I've been considering a couple of avenues, but they're just the ones I've coincidentally seen advertised. Lynda.com has a couple of videos. "Logic Pro 9 Essential Training" is 5.5 hours, and is rated a level 1 out of 3 on their skills curve. I'm sure it's a good place to start, but I worry it won't be anywhere near deep enough. "Logic Pro 9 New Features" is 1.5 hours and is level 2. It's probably useful. The site had a $25/mo subscription rate, or $37.50/mo if you want exercise files to do the exercises. However, even though the price is right, if the videos aren't good it's a waste of time, and I don't see that they have any further higher-level videos for Logic Pro.

The other avenue I've been looking at are the Ask Video videos about Logic 9 Pro. They seem to have three DVDs, just called Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. They cost $39.99 each, or there's a bundle of all three for $109.95. (That's the pricing at musicstudiodirect.com -- if you know of a better price, that would be cool.) They claim to have (for the three-pack), over 12 hours of video across 134 separate videos. So it's much more expensive than lynda.com, especially since I'd likely not need more than a single month there, but it seems like it might go much further.

I'm wondering if anybody has any experience and can give any feedback about either of these or if anybody has another favourite that they'd like to recommend.

The long answer:
Consider working through both of the Apple Pro Training Series books on Logic 9. Having to read and work through the steps actually has a beneficial effect in terms of retaining the information.

For video, start with Logic 9 Explained available from Groove 3: http://www.groove3.com/str/logic-9-explained.html
As a consumer of tutorials from many sources, this is, in my opinion, simply the best comprehensive overview of Logic 9 available.

My recommendation would be to subscribe to Groove 3 for one month to sample their offerings: try before you buy. They offer annual subscriptions at a savings. I've purchased their entire Logic catalog and continue to refer to various tutorials as needed.

Of course the other standard recommendation is MacPro Video. Again, subscribe for a month to see what's relevant to your learning. I've also purchased most of the MPV tutorials as well.

I've viewed the lynda.com Logic 9 tutorial. It was well done and informative but did not have the informational muscularity of Eli's Logic 9 Explained.

Short answer: Purchase Logic 9 Explained.
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The Logic Apple Pro training books are about the best thing I know for boning up on ones Logic skills. The cover allot of the basics in V1 and more interesting and tricky things in the Advanced books.

Mac Pro Video's tutorials are awesome (this coming from a guy who actually created 2 Logic 6 tutorials back in the day) and if you need a good scoring tutorial, the Groove 3 is about the best out for that. I'm sure Eli's Logic tutorial is good as well, but I have never seen it, so I can't comment on it...
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+1 on renting videos from groove3.com and macprovideo.com. I do both from time to time (currently renting groove3) and have to credit them for allowing me to make a living using logic.
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The Apple books are good if you like to learn by working thru examples. Mac Pro video's are good as well. Overall, I think Groove3 is the best way if you only pick one way.
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The strategy that we here at Point Blank Online employ is to keep the flexibility of Video Tutorials, while providing the 1-2-1 interaction and feedback from a professional music producer that we think is really invaluable.

This year we are extending our December term by an extra week to try and keep all the producers out there from dying with boredom from Christmas TV and also to promote these winter months as a time to really push on with improving your productivity and get ahead of everyone else out there.

Check out our Logic and Logic Advanced classes and try out any of our free courses to find out how we work (it's free knowledge, so you might as well!)...

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I'll second the macprovideo.com site! There's a ton of great material there from beginning to advanced users.

I was a creative trainer at Apple for a couple of years. The Peachpit Press books were what we used to certify in the apps to teach them. I personally really enjoyed the books.

Combined, the macprovideo site and the Peachpit books will teach you just about anything you'd ever really need to know about the function and control of Logic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Lynda and youtube


I found the Lynda Logic Training really great and goes pretty deep! After that (and ongoing) there are some great youtube videos on Logic 9 which I dip into when I have a new task that I need to know about. Things like setting up multiple outputs from ultrabeat (or Superior drummer plug-in) instead of stereo, mastering tips, eq etc
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