Logic Pro x training in Melbourne



I'm a pretty light protools user in Melbourne, australia, and I have decided to change over to logic after seeing some videos on the new version.

I am wondering if anyone knows of any training or short courses in Melbourne, or online, that I can do to learn the program properly from the word go.

Would appreciate any tips. I know there are some videos on Lynda and macprovideo, but there's not much on there on the new version yet, which is fair enough given how new it is, but I figure there's got to be someone out there capitalising on its release with some training offerings.

Hi There,

Welcome to Logic Pro X. I know this isn't exactly answering what you are asking, but I will be releasing a comprehensive set of brand new Logic Pro X training videos through groove3.com in a couple of weeks.

While not the same as direct one on one training of course, they are designed to bring new users up to speed from the ground up. And they will be completely done in the new version. You might find them useful.
You will find that most providers of Logic training will be yet to release any major training for the new version.

As an apple certified Logic Pro master trainer I can tell you that even Apple's own set of training books and courses are yet to be released and we get no indicitation of when those will be ready.

I don't know about Melbourne but in Sydney the apple certified 101 and 301 courses cost around $1000-$1200 each for a three day intensive. The courses follow the yet to be released books. You can just buy the book and work through that for around $40-60.

While the three day courses are excellent when brought to life by a good trainer only you can answer whether the level is too high or too low low for your current knowledge and skill level. If I were looking at this road I might consider buying the book to see before putting down for the whole course. Even experienced users seem to get some good tips out of them.

Kind regards
Hi Mate,
Have you checked out Melbourne's School of Synthesis. They do exactly this kind of thing:
Logic Pro X, Ableton Live, Maschine, Massive, Kontakt, Sound Design and Music Production courses.
I will be looking at the synthesis course being from Melbourne myself as well.
As Paul was saying do you think it's too early to spend that much money in this early stage of release bones ?

I've heard pyradime online is good has anyone here gone through the Dave Earl course ?
Im the tutor in both the Synthesis course and the Logic Pro course and naturally I highly recommend both. They are both very popular with pros and beginners alike. As for the Logic Pro course, I have been a daily user since Emagic's Notator and held seminars on Logic for Apple whilst living in London. The six week course is ideal for learning Logic and I teach it from a 'workflow' perspective - not from the manual.
They are very unique courses based on the courses I ran whilst tutoring at CityLit in London and RMIT here in Melbourne.
PM me if you'd like further info.
LPX Training

I stumbled on this forum while searching web about LPX training, signed up and the latest member. I know this thread is a year old but happy to announce that Labspace is the newest Apple Authorised Training Centre in Australia and have run three Logic Pro X certification courses this year already. Two in Melbourne and one in Sydney.

I welcome any email and happy to help where I can. labspace.com.au
I thought I'd drop in & let you guys know my thoughts on my school of synthesis courses.
I completed the basic logic one day course then liked Davide Carbones teaching & understanding of logic so much I then did the seven day in seven week course in logic as well.
Davide has a great knowledge of Logic Pro Ten & shares a lot of tricks that you just can't find from online tutorials or forums.
He also helps with advice on your home set ups or general audio or production questions.
He's got me up & going with Logic Pro ten & has a number of other courses I hope to check out in the future.
Don't hesitate to go to School of Synthesis if your in Melbourne you will love it
Those of you wanting to write the Logic Pro X online certification exam either in Sydney or Melbourne, Labspace is an Apple Authorised Training Centre and proctors these exams. If you do the official 3 Day Apple Logic Pro Course, the exam is included. The three day course will teach you the core fundamentals of Logic X and is the best foundation to build on. Courses are delivered by either Andy Day or Anthony Garvin.