Logic Pro 9 Logic Pro9 install int/ext HD?

sam ward

I have read several posts here about the practicality of using both the internal hard drive and an external firewire hard drive and/or and additional computer in installing Logic Pro9 and auxiliary software/hardware.
I am going to install Logic Pro9, Vienna Special Edition, four external synths/samplers (AMT8 midiboard) onto a 22" iMac 10.1, OS10.6.3. Will this installation run just as fast all on the internal hard drive?
I have always found it a good practice to use multiple hard drives.

System - OS and Apps
Sessions - All Daw Data / Audio
Samples - All Sample libraries (I actually use a drive for Vienna alone too)
Video - All video

Some of these are large drives, so I have partitioned them - using the partitions for storage/back up.

But, Can you do it all on one drive? I think usage will determine that. I think eventually you will be limited if you are recording audio and using sample libraries all from the drive that runs you OS and the app...
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re" Logic Pro9 install int/ext HD

Lincoln: Thanks for your response. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears you put all programs (Logic, Vienna, etc) on your internal but put the Vienna patches on an external drive? I assume this means faster loading of the patches?
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Well, technically, it's another internal, but the key in this example is that it is a different drive.

I don't know if this is the best analogy or not but I think of it like crossing a very narrow bridge. If there is a person on one side trying to cross while a person from the other side is also crossing, they will get across - but there will be a point where they get a bit jammed up. (This is like reading and writing simultaneously one one drive.) Now imagine adding more bridges - now there are more pathways lessening points of impedance.

There is also a benefit when streaming samples from a disk.

Hope this helps.
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The system Lincoln described IMO is the way to go for.
I'd keep each and every program on the system drive (most of them won't be happy to be placed anywhere else but in their default locations anyway, especially true for Apples own applications) and put all samples, projects and whatever "user data" somewhere else.
But then, hold on!
This procedure can only be considered "universally true" for Mac Pros, which offer several options of access to fast additional HDDs:
- Internal SATA conncetions.
- PCI cards for eSATA drives.
- PCI cards for more FW ports to connect drives to.
None of these exist on an iMac, you only have one FW port and 4 x USB.
Neither of those will give you a remotely similar performance than what you're getting from your internal drive, so it might as well be clever to run everything from the internal drive until you actually run into its limitiations. After that, I'd start with putting project/audio data onto an external drive - usually, even for advanced audio projects, the disk demands are comparatively low (at least compared to the demands of modern streaming sample libraries), so one should be able to run all audio data from a decent external USB drive.
Another idea would be to consider Optibay, they're offering replacement kits for the DVD/CD drive, so you actually get a fast second internal drive (the Superdrive can be kept in an external USB chassis). IMO this is the best option for anyone not owning a Mac Pro or MBP 17" (which at least has an Expresscard slot).
Otherwise, as long as you're not actually running into disk performance problems, I'd recommend keeping things on the internal drive. Just make sure to regularly back up everything as the system drive could wear out...
As a tip: I'd partition the system drive into two (or maybe 3) partitions for organisational reasons.
1) System only. This can be backed up quickly, using Time Machine, SuperDuper, CCCloner, etc. Really, system backups go a LOT faster if you don't have any other data on a partition.
2) All other data.
Or, as said, alternatively:
2) All sample libraries. You have them on DVDs (or backups) anyway, so this is a partition that doesn't need any regular backup schedule (the worst that could happen is that you'd have to copy things from DVD again...).
3) All your "user created data", such as Logic projects, documents, photos, etc. Again, this is for easy backup purposes.

If you don't have problems with backing up the entire shebang, should you keep it in one partition, don't bother. Personally, I prefer a complete system backup which is done in half an hour (which I do around once a month, depending on how much I installed). And I backup all important projects each evening, anyway.
Really, just a convenience thing, nothing to do with performance.

- Sascha
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Lincoln: good analogy, thanks.
Sascha: your suggestions regarding limitations of the iMac are excellent. I'll go with everything on the internal HD to start, than reorganize if things get out of hand or if the system as set up moves too slowly. I've got a 1Tb internal (800Gb unused) 12Gb ram and a 3.06 processor. This is going from Logic Pro 7 on a G4 dual 1.25 so it should make me happy.
Again, thank you both for getting me off to a good start.
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I have 3 external HDs, all FW, and as soon as I can get a 3 port FW800 hub I was hoping the speed alone would help with work flow,am I, again, showing my lack of experience? Here in Amsterdam I have only a few stores that stock these sort of things, if you see this and KNOW it is not a great idea-please leave a reply. Thanks in advance. I also didn't get how I could move Logic or GBs' samples to these HDs-dragging from Finder to Finder worked for EWQL Choirs samples,but it is set up to install that way and I don't see myself re installing Logic unless it becomes a problem. I am using a 2007 iMac-2 GHz Intel Core 2 duo with 4GBs ram, and a MBP 15" 2,93GHz,4Gb RAM-the external and internal HDs all run at 7200rpms, and I must do something soon since the internal HD 250GBs has only 27GBs left-slow to open files! i have one FW800 port on the MBP and was planning to take the external HD with the sample library I need with the MBP when travelling.
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