Logic Pro 8 Logic Stops Playback after certain # of tracks


New Member
Hi. I'm having an issue with Logic 8, which seems to be unexplained and unreasonable.

after i get my tunes up to about 30-35 audio tracks with multiple plugins per track and busses with multiple plugins ( i use audio, or when i use midi i bounce down to audio for the sake of CPU ).

so say i have exactly 35 tracks... then i go to add another WAV (sample) from my sample bank in the media area. when i drag it into the arrange area, i get a brief view of a window saying "initializing core audio" ---everytime i see that, afterwards, playback stops. no movement in the meters at all. nothing.

it happens when i drag a sample in to the bottom of the arrange area, creating a new track by doing so. i have had some success in dragging new samples into Existing tracks without playback stopping tho.

but it's like after a certain point, logic doesn't allow me to add to my tune. just stops playback and forces me to restart logic and sometimes my whole machine. macbook pro (late 07) 2 gigs ram, mac os x 10.4.11 ( i believe)


any input would be appreciated. i wanna make bigger tunes with more stuff. or at least not be limited as to the stuff i can put in. no cpu problem, just no playback.

thanks for any help
