Logic Pro 8 Logic v Reaper 64bit ??

Michael B

New Member
Some friends of mine have been trying Reaper and think it's summing is superior to Logic because it's 64bit.

Is Logic planning to go 64bit soon ?
Ah, this ol' fable again..
Logic is 32bit Floating. The argument that a 64 bit audio path is better, is rubbish. There are far more parameters at play that make something better .... or not!
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Beware the reaper brigade, they are cult like and worse than mac fan boys.Focus on getting a good signal flow to begin with- remember trash in, trash out.
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I just did some serious playing around with Reaper's pitch and audio tempo adjustment features and was blown away. I don't know if it's as good as Pitch n Time,but for demo stuff it was really great. I first tried a vari speedthing, to get that record slow down fx and it was awesome. I then took a mixed music track and slowed it down by 10% and sped up by 10% it really sounds great. You can listen to it at: www.dbwproductions.com/reaper/reaper.wav
Don't know anything about the mix bus but, if I have time, I'll do a real production in it. Not really looking to learn another DAW right now but am very impressed by Reaper.
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Beware the reaper brigade, they are cult like and worse than mac fan boys.Focus on getting a good signal flow to begin with- remember trash in, trash out.
That is funny! But,I can see that. Yes, trash in trash out. I'm always amazed that when my productions sound the best it's the stuff in front of the mic doing it.
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Some friends of mine have been trying Reaper and think it's summing is superior to Logic because it's 64bit.

This is a misunderstanding of what 64-bit addressing means. "going 64-bits" means that the application can access more memory. This has NO effect on sound quality. It's as if your friends are saying "the Reaper house has better furniture, because the house has a bigger door.". It just doesn't work that way.

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I just did some serious playing around with Reaper's pitch and audio tempo adjustment features and was blown away.

That's wellknown. As quite some others (Cubase, Sonar, even Fruity Loops), the Reaper folks were clever enough to license a proper 3rd party time stretching algorithm (something like Elastique Pro or so).
As a Logic user, you gotta pay again what you paid for the program (for Radius or Pitch n Time), otherwise you're left with what IMO is one of the worst time stretching algorithms there are. It was fine when nobody else had something like it, but these days it couldn't get any worse.
Apple should defenitely do something about that (well, among a lot of other things, such as perhaps updating Logic...).

- Sascha
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Beware the reaper brigade, they are cult like and worse than mac fan boys.Focus on getting a good signal flow to begin with- remember trash in, trash out.

Very true...

However, for a program essentially controlled and developed by one person, it is an amazing piece of software. I'm certainly not an over-the-top fan nor do I use the program but I can respect the programmer's vision.

I download the most recent version about every 6 months just to see what they've done with it.

btw, no one is worse than Mac fan boys, no one! 🙂

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Indeed Reaper is phenomenal form a developers standpoint.Justin does a great job, listens and learns as well from his work.I use it as well, just in case Logic irks me to the edge.
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As a Logic user, you gotta pay again what you paid for the program (for Radius or Pitch n Time), otherwise you're left with what IMO is one of the worst time stretching algorithms there are.
- Sascha
I guess I'll have to try the Radius demo to see how it compares to Reaper. At this point (assuming Reaper is as good or better), it's cheaper to just buy a proper Reaper License. I just had to slow down 40 some songs yesterday and used Reaper. It worked very quickly and efficiently and sounded great. There is no analyzing time, or at least, very little time. So, once you drag a mix into it you can slow it down and render it.
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it's cheaper to just buy a proper Reaper License. I just had to slow down 40 some songs yesterday and used Reaper. It worked very quickly and efficiently and sounded great.

I'd say stick with it, in case you don't really need any "in context" stretching (which is the only purpose of buying something like Radius or Pitch'n'Time).

- Sascha
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Some friends of mine have been trying Reaper and think it's summing is superior to Logic because it's 64bit.

This is a misunderstanding of what 64-bit addressing means. "going 64-bits" means that the application can access more memory. This has NO effect on sound quality. It's as if your friends are saying "the Reaper house has better furniture, because the house has a bigger door.". It just doesn't work that way.


Actually, there are two thing that 64-bit can mean. As Orren points out, there is 64-bit addressing which has nothing to do with the audio path. But there is also 64-bit audio paths in some apps. I don't know if this applies to Reaper but SONAR, for example, comes in 32- and 64-bit versions (addressing wise) but both have a 64-bit audio path.

It's also true that a 64-bit audio path gives better mix quality than 32-bit but I suspect only the real audiophiles amongst us could hear the difference. I've never done the test but I'm sure I couldn't hear it.
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It's also true that a 64-bit audio path gives better mix quality than 32-bit but I suspect only the real audiophiles amongst us could hear the difference. I've never done the test but I'm sure I couldn't hear it.

There are elements of Logic Pro that offer a 64-bit audio path as well. From:

"Internal audio resolution: 32-bit floating point; 64-bit precision where required"

That sentence isn't not specific enough to know exactly what math is 64-bit precision and what isn't, but it sounds to me like they've "done their homework" so to speak, and where using 64-bit precision will result in higher quality, they use it.

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