Logic Pro 8 Logic8 newbie looking for real estate


I have my lovely dual display so I can whizz around logic<8

Now it seems that when I open eg. Tempo List, my Arrange page shrinks. Most disconcerting!

Is there any way to float Tempo List?

How many other similar alarming discoveries lie ahead of me?

< stands, arranges backpack on back and trudges up the foothills of Mount BedroomBrigade>

Hi Peter,

Yes there is an easy way to get the tempo list as a float. Go under your main menu:

Options ---> Tempo ---> Open Tempo List

It will now exist as a float window.
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thanks Eli - your reply is a tad more respectful than my original post! 🙂
Taming a new version of a well-known app can be stressful 🙂


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It certainly can be stressful. But the important thing is that you tame it and it doesn't tame you! 😀
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I know. I'm sure that in a year's time it'll be 2nd nature. Meanwhile I'm steaming ahead with 7, and it's great 🙂 Just glad I don't have any big scores to do these days :-(

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