Logic Pro Loops Freeze LPX


I don't often use loops so, I don't know if this issue has been discussed or not. When I go to open loops in LPX, it says Indexing Loops, but it freezes Logic. I must force quit and restart. Everything seems to work fine if I don't open loops. I have rebooted ect. to no avail. I have 8GB of RAM so, that shouldn't be the issue. I am using OS X 10.9.1 (Maverick). There have been no major system changes, Your thoughts on how to resolve are most appreciated.


When I first picked up LPX, it had a hard time detecting my 3rd party Apple Loops.

I attempted to drag and drop folders on the browser, and logic would crash during indexing.

What I eventually did was let LPX move them from the external drive to my system drive, then LPX completed indexing with no problems.

I have a 750GB hybrid drive, so space was not an issue.

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For gdoubleyou and anyone else that wants to chime in:

I'm upgrading to X (from 9) in a few weeks and my Apple and Soundtrack Pro loops are on an external drive. Orren and others have suggested that it is best to have these files on the system drive. What's the most sensible option for my situation? gdoubleyou says he let LPX move them to his system drive. Does the installer offer to do this? Or is there a command within LPX that offers this functionality?

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For gdoubleyou and anyone else that wants to chime in:

I'm upgrading to X (from 9) in a few weeks and my Apple and Soundtrack Pro loops are on an external drive. Orren and others have suggested that it is best to have these files on the system drive. What's the most sensible option for my situation? gdoubleyou says he let LPX move them to his system drive. Does the installer offer to do this? Or is there a command within LPX that offers this functionality?


When you drag and drop a loop folder on the browser, a dialog appears and asks, do you want to leave the loops in the current location, or have Logic move them to the Apple Loops Folder.

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