I work with Logic Pro 9. I record voice overs in my home studio and occasionally I have to yell when I'm auditioning for video games. Stuff like "open fire!" at the top of my lungs. I used to record in a room that allowed me to get far away from the mic and yell. The wave form didn't go off the charts and the meter didn't peak and the output was fine. Now I have a whisper booth, so I can't back away from the mic. Can anyone suggest a way for me to control my input so that these loud vocals don't distort? FYI the signal is recorded with a Sennheiser 416 mic and runs thru a Golden Age Pre 73MKII (gain at -60, output at one o'clock) and Apogee Maestro 2. I've made my voice a touch wet with Logic plugins: Compressor with ratio 3.1:1. AU Hipass, and Limiter 0.0dB - if that helps, if not I can provide complete settings. BTW I've experimented with the compressor's Auto Gain at -12dB and that made a tiny difference. I use a MacBook Pro OS 10.7.5. Much appreciated.