Logic Pro 9 LUG Environments in Logic 9


Hello people,

I just got a Roland Juno 106 and a Roland D110 and I was looking for Environments to edit those via sysex.

I found the LUG Environments collection on Len Sasso's site swiftkick.com. Unfortunately I can't make them work. I upgraded to Mac OS X Lion and Logic 9. When I try to open up one of the LUG Environments, it prompts me the error message I may open the thing up in Logic 7.2.1 or older and convert it to Logic 9.

Here is the message (in German though).

Since I don't have Logic 7 and it wouldn't run on Lion anyway, that's a bummer.

Does somebody have a workaround for that?
Could somebody convert the Juno 106 and D110 Environments for me?

Here are links to the two:
D110: http://cl.ly/293F0b1Q2U112e0v0Q2P
Juno-106: http://cl.ly/0o1W093w3H1C3f3z3r3z

Or is there any other place where I find them in a compatible format.

Thanks in advance and greetings from Berlin,
Hi Stephan,

I tried to convert the files using former versions but I could convert the Juno 106 only, the other file gave errors all the time (it needs old Logic 4x probably to be opened I guess). The Juno 106 seems to be some kind of Environment fan or amateur work to my opinion that's why I converted it and I did not want to spend any time to fix or update it cause there are lots of things that can be done. If I have time I can create a brand new version Editor which supports both Sys and CC, so you can draw or record CC automation and it will be transformed into Sys and vice versa. Another extra of my new generation editors are the Macro Headers - i.e there are say up to 64 storage locations in the macro header where you can store your Patch presets and recall them via Program Change, CC# or even Key switching which will be a good extra for the vintage 106 I guess...


Roland Juno 106 Editor LSO>L8 converted - DOWNLOAD
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Hi Tangra,

thank you for your help!
The project does open up now and looks clean and okay.
Couldn't make it control the 106 yet but I guess I'll have to work that out myself since I'm a newbie in the sysex business.

Oh yea, the CC automation thing sounds great.
But I would never expect anyone to program it just for the sake of it.
There is a commercial AU Editor for the Juno from rekonaudio.

About the D110: Thanks anyway.
I found this other Environment on the web that wouldn't open up on my system either. Here is the link. So if you feel like it, try that one.

Many many thanks,
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But I would never expect anyone to program it just for the sake of it.

Who knows, lets say I can do that for the sake of it :thmbup:
Stay around, I'll try to find time to build some Extra Free editor with CC/Sys dual support, patch save, copy, paste, randomize etc and pack it into a nice Macro design...
You will be the tester cause I do not own this nice machine.


P.S. I doubt if the Rekonaudio AU editor will work in Logic. Logic AUs do not handle well with the direct physical midi i/o regarding the channel strip architecture - there is no Demo to try...
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Hi Stephan,

I'm sorry for the latency but it took a few days to build the editor.
It looked very simple job at first glance but now I realized why a full version (all parameters control) has been never created as a full complex Logic environment.
The problem is that there are two groups of parameters (missing in the "just for fun" versions) which use same Sysex parameter message and form different values of that message depending on the different parameter combinations used in that group.
There were two challenges - to discover what algorithm they use to form the messages and how to develop a "smart" scheme in the environment which can follow that algorithm.

Well I could solve all that working offline all the time (I do not own J106).
The new Editor is a "Hybrid" which supports Sys I/O and CC I/O. I have developed this system in the last years as a new Generation Environment tools. The idea is that you can mouse (or hardware) tweak a given parameter and it directly records CC# on the "Juno 106 Editor" track. You can customize that and use the preferences box labeled as "Output" (see the image below it is set to Sys #) which means that the Editor will convert the CC# into Sys and the editor will output Sys to control the external hardware synth. You can set the "Output" preference to CC# and mouse tweak a parameter in the editor to see which CC# it uses for that knob or slider etc. There is Sys+CC preference for some extra scenarios.

What's in this Beta

I have created a short non-voice video in the pack so you can have an idea how to set the "Port" for the instrument object, set the Logic midi Settings to "Sys Thru" and record some CC automation. Note I provide a "Beta" version and I disabled the CC reading so the Editor will be full functional but in the "old way" supporting Sys only (you can record Sys automation on the J106 track by tweaking the hardware synth parameters). At this stage you must test if the Editor works with the real machine i.e you mouse tweak a parameter in the editor and check if J106 respond to that and vice versa you tweak a parameter in the real J106 and the corespondent Environment editor fader must react etc. Note - pay an attention please when tweak a parameter in the editor belong to group A (Range flip fader, Pulse, Saw, Chorus on/off and Chorus type) if more parameters react in the synth or in group B (Lfo "mode" box, HPF text fader, Env. button or Pol. box)!
If everything is OK I'll continue to develop the "Header" presets control unit where you can save,copy, paste editor presets to 127 preset locations and recall them via Program Change, Control change etc. Send me a PM with your Email address so I'll provide you a "Pro" version (as an A.G tester) when I finish all that.


Roland Juno 106 Environment Editor Beta 1 - DOWNLOAD

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Hi everyone,

Sorry to resurrect an old thread! I was looking for something to be able to automate the parameters of my Juno-106 (half the faders are broken off) via MIDI.

Tangra's thing, while looking very nice, didn't work for me as it doesn't convert control changes (which Logic automates very easily) into the SysEx the Juno understands. So here are a couple of macros I made - one converts SysEx to controller, one converts controller to Sysex. It's based on the example that the OP linked to, so thanks to whoever made that.


To use it, import the "106" environment layer from this song (in an environment window, choose Options -> Import Environment -> Layer...).

Create a new instrument, set its port to the right MIDI output for your Juno (in my case it's "Port 2"), and connect the "Juno-106 CC -> SysEx converter" macro to it, like this:


Then create an External MIDI track in the Arrange and reassign it to the "Juno-106 CC -> SysEx Converter" macro.

You can now switch on track automation and use the following MIDI controller numbers to control the Juno's parameters:

CC#	What

102	LFO Rate
103	LFO Dtime
106	DCO sub
107	DCO Noiz
108	VCF Freq
109	VCF Res
110	VCF Env
112	VCF Kybd
113	VCA Level
114	ENV Attack
115	ENV Decay
116	ENV SustLevel
117	ENV Release

I haven't put in any of the other parameters (waveform, range etc) because I didn't think they were worth automating. You can always save the patch and use a program change on the MIDI track to recall your sound at the start of the tune.

Common sense dictates that you should now be able to use Automation Quick Access to record automation data for any of these parameters, but it doesn't seem to work very well (or at all) for External MIDI tracks. You can of course draw the automation in with the mouse. Another solution would be to use a Transformer object on the Click & Ports layer to change controller data from an external source (modwheel for example) into one of the controller numbers above, then use the technique below to turn it into track automation.

**EDIT** I fixed this (kinda). Take a look at my other post

The other macro converts the Juno SysEx to CC, so you can record automation using the faders on your Juno. As mentioned before, this isn't really an issue for me, since I am missing most of the useful faders. Use it like this, on your click&ports layer:


Now record on your External MIDI track and waggle some faders. It will get recorded as CC data on the track.

To turn it into automation, highlight the track and press Command-Y ("Hyper Draw: Autodefine") and it will cycle through the data you just recorded, displaying the CC number at the top left of the region. When you find the parameter you want, goto the Track menu -> Track Automation -> Move Visible Region Data To Track Automation. It will get turned into track automation and then you can use the lovely "automation curve tool" to mess with it.

I recommend that you only record one fader's change at a time though : in theory you could turn all the CC data into track automation at once, but that function doesn't seem to work in 9.1.6 so you have to use the method above which converts one at a time.

I hope this helps someone out there!

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Tangra's thing, while looking very nice, didn't work for me as it doesn't convert control changes
Who says that? I'm the founder of the hybrid technology Sys>CC or vice versa guy - all in one editor ! If you have read the "Beta Description" in my previous post carefully you could find that: "Note I provide a "Beta" version and I disabled the CC reading so the Editor will be full functional but in the "old way" supporting Sys only."
The new version (I have prepared for distribution) supports everything as a full complex editor (see the image below). Here are some of the key features:
• Sys>CC or CC>Sys all in one editor.
• The ever problem of making a full working J106 editor including the complicated parameters like the Chorus, DCO( "pulse", Saw", "Lfo", ); VCF "pol", HPF "freq" etc is solved. I say complicated cause they form different groups which make a math SYS algorithm so a few parameters use same Sys parameter string...
• Midi Latch/Hold function with advanced key switching control. The Midi latch/hold function behaves exactly as the today synths one.
• Ultimate Parameter Randomizer supporting (host tempo sync), dynamic parameter settings etc. For example if you switch the parameter select menu all custom settings will change dynamically according to your previous settings.
• Preset manager - up to 127 patches can be stored, save load, autoload, copy paste functions - powered by the internal manager clipboard.
• Program Change & Control Change of the Presets.
• Cutoff & Resonance H/Y pad.
• Control change parameter maps.
• Logic Hyper Set.

I probably miss some of the features, but as you see J106 is going to be a powerful workstation...😉

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I did indeed read the description, which said that your macro doesn't support control changes.

I needed something that did, and so I made this.

That's all 🙂
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OK I was messing around with my Juno SysEx Macro (see above) and I was getting annoyed with the lack of Automation Quick-Access support for External MIDI tracks in Logic.

The only thing I want to mess around with is the cutoff frequency for gawd's sake, and that slider is broken off my 106 (typical). It would be really nice to control it with the ribbon controller on my controller keyboard.

So I made another macro which will convert a single controller (I assigned my ribbon controller to #119, for example) into any of the controller numbers that the Juno-106 CC -> SysEx converter requires.

Go download it! http://spacemuffin.com/juno/Juno-106Converters.zip

Import the "106 CC Converter" layer into your project. (for details on how to import layers, see my previous post.)

Here's how I have it set up:


I like to keep the CC converter in its own layer, because you can have it as a nice floating window by choosing "Frameless Floating Window" from the View menu (remember to deselect the "chain" icon in the environment window). This is a bit more of a pain to wire up, but it's worth it IMO to have a good UI.

in the Click & Ports window, the "Send to CC converter" object is an Ornament. You wire it to the CC converter macro by Alt (option) clicking on the output connector and choosing "106 CC converter -> Juno-106 CC converter". This is how you wire between layers. You can't do this directly from the "Physical Input" object, which is why the Ornament is there.

Similarly the output of the CC converter is connected to the Juno-106 SysEx -> CC converter (and thus, the Sequencer Input) in the same way.

To use the CC converter itself is quite simple: in the "Controller number to use" box, select the number of the controller you'd like to use. The "input" monitor window will help you here - just wiggle the knob (oo-er) and see which controller it's producing (you can see #119 here in my case).

To control a Juno parameter, select it in the "controller destination" box. You should now be able to hear the results!

Since this thing outputs CC data, it can be messed with/converted into automation. The main reason for me making this is that I wanted to be able to mess with parameters that had broken sliders (I *can* actually change them, but I have to use a toothpick).

Sorry if this seems a little long-winded - I just wanted to make sure everybody knew how to get this working.

Good luck out there!

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