I've made no secret of my displeasure at the dismantling of what had a been a useful email list/digest for me, and it's conversion to the fractured and time-consuming web forum format.
Just to be clear on this, what do you mean by dismantling? Nobody was forced to leave the mailing list, we created the forum and suggested that, in particular, bearing in mind the steady decline in traffic over the last number of years on the mailing list, together withincreasing interest and traffic across a broad number of web fora, that it was the way to go. Immediately the new LUG forum had more traffic than the mailing list and that trend is becoming more and more apparent, but that is because people have been voting with their feet and posting here rather than on the mailing list.
From my perhaps biased perspective, it seems that traffic on the LUG is WAY down from what it was on the old list.
The figures I am looking at tell me the opposite, there is way more traffic here.
I'm seeing less then one new topic per day.
The first post in a topic represents a small proportion of traffic. We have, as I write, 185 threads in the general logic discussions forum, with 1234 posts - meaning an average of over 6 posts per thread. If you are viewing this from the mailing list, please remember that we only send the first post in a thread form two sub fora in the forum to the mailing list, in other words, on the mailing list, you are only seeing a tiny percentage of the traffic on the forum.
Am I correct in my perception that the LUG is not functioning anywhere near the level that it was? Or am I just crazy?
We still don't have the same volume of traffic that we had around 2001-2002, but it is growing on the forum. We are online for just over 6 weeks now, and have in that space of time many times the number of posts on the forum than have been made to the mailing list - the proportion is actually much higher if you discount the notification posts from the forum to the mailing list. They are forum, not mailing list traffic.
Yesterday, for example, five new threads were started, but many, many more posts than that were made to existing threads.
Precisely. in fact, by the time some posts announcing a thread has started are sent to the mailing list, answers are already being written on the forum.
Hope this clarifies things Jon
kind regards