Mackie Control glitching external synth
Hi all,
I'm having a problem where when I move or automate the fader on my Mackie Universal Control to send volume automation over midi to a Nord Modular G1 it causes random pitch jumps and glitches in the Nord program eventually causing stuck notes.
I'm using a Mackie Universal Control HUI (grey, midi only, not USB) running OS version 2.1.2 with Logic Pro 9.1.6. The Nord's midi I/O is through a Emagic MT4 and the Mackie Universal Control is hooked up to the midi I/O of a MOTU Ultralite 3.
Any help is greatly appreciated as this makes it impossible to sequence mixes with the Nord.
Hi all,
I'm having a problem where when I move or automate the fader on my Mackie Universal Control to send volume automation over midi to a Nord Modular G1 it causes random pitch jumps and glitches in the Nord program eventually causing stuck notes.
I'm using a Mackie Universal Control HUI (grey, midi only, not USB) running OS version 2.1.2 with Logic Pro 9.1.6. The Nord's midi I/O is through a Emagic MT4 and the Mackie Universal Control is hooked up to the midi I/O of a MOTU Ultralite 3.
Any help is greatly appreciated as this makes it impossible to sequence mixes with the Nord.