I'm forwarding this from the Yahoogroup because it seems wonderfully appropriate, and I'd love to get a discussion started here. 🙂 (I've also informed the original poster).
From lesterbeat:
hey guys- I've been using mainstage as way to play keyboards without loading up logic. It works great but I can't figure something out.
I have a yamaha kx8 controller hooked up to it and it works fine, however, whenI hook up my m-audio controller, that becomes the controller for main stage. the yamaha is still recognized ( chords spelled out in window) but the notes don't play. I can't find a setting for "make x my default controller". Any ideas.
From lesterbeat:
hey guys- I've been using mainstage as way to play keyboards without loading up logic. It works great but I can't figure something out.
I have a yamaha kx8 controller hooked up to it and it works fine, however, whenI hook up my m-audio controller, that becomes the controller for main stage. the yamaha is still recognized ( chords spelled out in window) but the notes don't play. I can't find a setting for "make x my default controller". Any ideas.