Logic Studio apps Mainstage 2.2 Released


Staff member

MainStage 2.2 is a feature upgrade for MainStage 1.0 and 2.0 users available for purchase on the Mac App Store. It includes several new features and fixes.

Improved Performance

MainStage 2.2 takes full advantage of Macs with four or more processor cores.

Simplified Setup

New template picker includes a new Quick Start category.
New Assignments & Mappings view provides a way to edit and view a consolidated list of all hardware controller assignments and screen control mappings.
The MainStage interface has been rebuilt with larger interface elements.
The last saved value of a mapped parameter can now be seen and edited.

Enhanced MIDI Control

Direct connections between hardware controllers and plug-in parameters can be made without using screen controls.
During patch changes, SysEx and other data can be sent to external MIDI devices using standard MIDI files.
It is now possible to block unwanted incoming controller messages.


New preference to globally disable feedback protection across all patches.

Auto-assignment Support

Auto-assignment support has been added for more MIDI devices:
Akai MPK25
Akai MPK49
Alesis Q25
Korg nanoKey2
Korg nanoKontrol2
Korg nanoPad2
M-Audio Axiom 25 (updated version)
M-Audio Axiom 49 (updated version)
M-Audio Axiom 61 (updated version)
M-Audio Oxygen 49 (updated version)
Novation Nocturn 25

Issue Fixes

Fixes an issue in which one shot sample triggering did not work correctly when EXS was in mono mode.
The metronome now provides a downbeat click.
Improved MIDI Beat Clock for ReWire and External Instrument Channels.
EVB3 no longer produces stuck notes when using a sustain pedal.

kind regards

Hi Matt

I presume that as Mainstage 2.2. is a "feature upgrade" it is not cost free. That was also the case with Logic 7.1 and 7.2, which as you probably remember, were only available on DVD at a cost.

kind regards
