This is my first master, and since the song is going to be on Rock Band, I'll need to export the different channels separately (bass drum, snare drum, tom 1, guitar 1, guitar 2, bass guitar etc.). So is it possible to keep the channels from the mix, and without doing a mixdown, put the channels through a "semi-master" bus before going to the "stereo output"/"master" bus, so I can add compression, EQ etc. to all channels on the semi-master the same way I would to the mixdown in a regular mastering approach?
Is there any way to make the applied effect on the semi-master bus apply to the different individual instruments the same way, when all channels are bounced, and when only one channel is bounced individually?
E.g., make the semi-master bus inserts affect the guitar channel the same way when bounced together with all the other instruments and when bounced individually?
Thanks in advance!
Is there any way to make the applied effect on the semi-master bus apply to the different individual instruments the same way, when all channels are bounced, and when only one channel is bounced individually?
E.g., make the semi-master bus inserts affect the guitar channel the same way when bounced together with all the other instruments and when bounced individually?
Thanks in advance!