Logic Pro Modal & Scale transpositions


In Motu performer there was a scale mapping feature. If you had midi data already inputted - say in the key of C - You could highlight the date and have it change the data to a new scale - like locrian mode. I understand how the LPX Transposer plugin in the input strip works on incoming data. Is there a way to use it on data that already has been recorded into the sequence?
Select the region in the Main window, open the Transform Window and choose the "Transpose" preset. Set the "Add" parameter to what you want (+12 Octave Up, -12 Octave Down etc). Hit the "Select & Operate" button. In this scenario the Transform will behave as the real time MidiFX Transposer you are talking about.
If you want to transpose more regions in one go select them in the Main Window and do the same procedure.
If you are talking for other sort of transposing it will require a very special custom Transform mapper preset...
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I know how to use it to change octaves - that's not what I'm asking. What I want to do is be able to tell it to "keep all the pitches where they are EXCEPT all B naturals become B flats. Which is what the transposer plug in does to midi data that you play into the sequencer. Should be able to use those plug in macros to data that is already inputted into the sequencer. This was such an easy thing to do in DP. Take your midi data in Cmajor - hit a command - and it plays the sequence in pentatonic or harmonic minor or lydian etc.
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Ok - I found the LPX term for this - Scale Quantize - it's in the piano roll window. Let me ask - is there a way to do this to all of my selected tracks at once? Or do I need to go to each individual track and fix them one at a time?
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Let me ask - is there a way to do this to all of my selected tracks at once?
The Transform Editor can do that in one go only cause it can work with multiple selected regions. In my 1st reply I was not familiar with your extra requirements to transpose all "B" pitches in all octaves into "Bflat" i.e B (-1). This requirse a very special Transform preset (I can not remember if such has been ever published).
OK, I'll publish one though it is going to be some "food" for the Logic commercial book or video makers 🙄.
1. Get my Logic template from the attachment below and unzip it.
2. Open your Logic song, go to the File menu -> Project Settings -> Import Project Settings and browse to my Logic template. Open it and check "Transform Sets" in the import dialog.
3. Select all regions in question in the Main Window (Arrange) and open the Transform Editor. Choose my preset labeled as "Transpose B (-1)" and hit "Select & Operate".


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are you using the Transform with MIDI note mapping approach?
I'm sorry Atlas, I can not understand what do you mean here...
I have created a special Transform Preset which can transpose all B notes in all octaves in one go such as: B-2; B-1, B0; B1 etc
You can select the all regions in the Main Window open the Transport and transpose the all "B" notes in one go. Do you mean anything else ?

The difference with the factory Transform (Transpose preset) is:
You have to select the target pitch manually in the region and hit Operate.
Or you can create a single note condition say B3 (octave 3) and hit Select & Operate which will select 3rd Octave. My method searches the all Regions and selects all octaves for say "B" automatically - do you see that?

I'm on a dead line with the current LogicX A.G Midi toolkit PRO release where I included very special Transform presets, MIDI Scripts Plugins, Environment Tools, EXS24 CS bundle with MIDI FX, plenty of Logic Templates with these tools etc. The A.G Transform Presets can work globally for the all region selection and can save hours of work. I plane to make more Presets in the next "A.G Logic Essentials" were I'll release a full kit for such kind of Transposing.
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are you using the Transform with MIDI note mapping approach?
I'm sorry Atlas, I can not understand what do you mean here...
I have created a special Transform Preset which can transpose all B notes in all octaves in one go such as: B-2; B-1, B0; B1 etc
You can select the all regions in the Main Window open the Transport and transpose the all "B" notes in one go. Do you mean anything else ?
I was more talking about using a customized Transform set to remap the notes, so you could transpose all the selected notes from the selected MIDI regions in the Main window to another given scale, in one go...

The difference with the factory Transform (Transpose preset) is:
You have to select the target pitch manually in the region and hit Operate.
Or you can create a single note condition say B3 (octave 3) and hit Select & Operate which will select 3rd Octave. My method searches the all Regions and selects all octaves for say "B" automatically - do you see that?
I have seen your customized Transform and I wonder why you are not using the Map (conditional) parameter from C-2 to G8 (instead of G8 to G8) to affect all the notes and instead of using the Add operator you would not simply use also the Map one... That would imply to create a special map for each of the desired scale...

I'm on a dead line with the current LogicX A.G Midi toolkit PRO release where I included very special Transform presets, MIDI Scripts Plugins, Environment Tools, EXS24 CS bundle with MIDI FX, plenty of Logic Templates with these tools etc. The A.G Transform Presets can work globally for the all region selection and can save hours of work. I plane to make more Presets in the next "A.G Logic Essentials" were I'll release a full kit for such kind of Transposing.
I would be interested to see those.. Any idea where/when they will be available?
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I wonder why you are not using the Map (conditional) parameter from C-2 to G8 (instead of G8 to G8) to affect all the notes and instead of using the Add operator you would not simply use also the Map one... That would imply to create a special map for each of the desired scale...
Heh (G8 to G8) is my Trade Mark!🙂.
The "Add" is fixed to (-1) in my preset regarding the OP requirements. Otherwise the "Add" can stay to (0) by default so the user can set it to the transposition amount.
Could you create a preset the way you say (parameter from C-2 to G8/simply use also the Map one) and post it here.
After that I will clarify what is the difference.
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Scale quantize is doing what I was seeking. I can use it to take a track from major to mixolydian etc. Wish there was a way to do this to a number of tracks at once instead of changing it track by track...
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Wish there was a way to do this to a number of tracks at once instead of changing it track by track...
The Transform template I provided above does exactly that. You can select the all tracks/regions in the (Main Woindow/Arrange) and transpose all B to Bflat in one go. Did you try my transform template I provided in the previous post?
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