What the heck is with the crossfade tool.....I can't get it to work for nothing
I've been using Logic (Creator) since Atari all the way up got 8 in Lep (8core pro) got 7 in Tig but use 6 on OS 9 on a 933 w Sonnet 1700w 32 IO PT 24 Mix plus. I would like to use my $30g new system w my 32 IO Apogees but things seem too flaky. Had the new system since Feb 08 sitting in the corner making drum trks and Melodyn once in a while.......Is it just me or what?
I've been using Logic (Creator) since Atari all the way up got 8 in Lep (8core pro) got 7 in Tig but use 6 on OS 9 on a 933 w Sonnet 1700w 32 IO PT 24 Mix plus. I would like to use my $30g new system w my 32 IO Apogees but things seem too flaky. Had the new system since Feb 08 sitting in the corner making drum trks and Melodyn once in a while.......Is it just me or what?