Am really puzzled by this, and have tried all the above advice without success. I have 2 keyboards, one with weighted action, one without, and wish to easily play some instruments with one and not the other, sometimes with either at the same time. In particular, I want to play for example, just the internal piano of the weighted keyboard with my right hand, while not triggering the midi instrument that my left hand is playing on the unwighted keyboard ( I don't necessarily need to record both at the same time on separate tracks, but the option would be good).
I have done as prescribed, and have, for example, set the weighted keyboard to transmit on channel 2, while the EXS24 track that the unweighted keyboard is playing is set to channel 1 (which the unweighted keyboard is transmitting on). I have also cabled directly from the physical input ports in Environment rather than using Sum Output, and can verify the weighted keyboard is transmitting on channel 2 in "Input view" monitor. (Unweighted keyboard is on Port 1, weighted on 2)
I'm expecting the EXS 24, set to Channel 1, not to respond to my right hand playing the weighted-keyboard which is transmitting on channel 2, but it does.
I can only stop the weighted-keyboard playing the EX24 if I remove the weighted keyboards midi connection (either from Port 2 of the Physical Input, or physically).
What could I be doing wrong. An above post says to set the instrument midi-channel on the Region Parameter box, but in the Inspector in Logic 9, the only place I can see to set a midi-channel is below this, and is the Track parameter box.
it's the same story if I use an internal instrument such as EXS24 or a external multi-timbral instrument. In the latter case I would only expect the keyboard transmitting on channel 2 to play the timbre set to receive on that channel, but it plays timbres on all channels.