My personal "positive" Waves and Waves Universe story


Dear fellows,

I opened this thread in order to tell all my personal "positive" Waves and Waves Universe story. At first I have to explain why I was interested in Waves generally. I was interested in deaper vocal trance tutorials and found the German version of the book: DJ Torsten Fassbender - The Trance Experience.

At first I was very sceptic. The book is great (I can say that now), but Thorsten Fassbender used only Waves Plugins in his tutorials. I never installed Waves Stuff, so I had two possibilities:
1. Sell the book again without reading it
2. Install the Demo versions of the used Waves Plugs in this book.

I have to tell that I was not happy at first sight. No iLok was avaialble here for me at home. I asked a friend at work and he had two ones, so he gave me his second iLok in order work with it. At home I decided to open an iLok account and registered the iLok dongle of my friend at home. He told me if I would be satisfied with my work he would donate me his iLok. Now I was ready to work with iLok and had my first iLok dongle and an ilok account. Because I am on Logic 9 and with Mac OS X v10.6 already I decided to wait not to install any Demo versions and I was
waiting for version 7. After version 7 of Waves Plugs was released I decided to install my first Waves Bundle as a demo version of Waves Gold.

I started to work with the book and compared my results on the one hand with my Logic integrated effects and other effects plugs of different companies on the other hand. Sorry to say that, but the plugs in the Gold Bundle sounded better for me. What should I do now? After 2 nights of thinking I decided to sell my effect plugs of other companies in order to
save money for the Gold Bundle. The next step followed. Where do I get the best price for the Waves Gold Bundle? I will make it short: It was Waves Universe.

I compared all prices in the WWW, believe me. But Waves Universe was the cheapest. I have to admit that I was lucky, because Waves Gold was on discount this month and I got additionally discount because I am working in a non profit organization.
Nevertheless I was happy that I had found it. Another 2 days I thought about my decision. Selling my great effect bundles of other companies, puh, was it right? But my ears destroyed my last bad thoughts.

After all I can make the following statements:
I never thought to install any Waves Stuff, but the above mentioned book was the reason. I never thought to occupy a iLok dongle, but I got the dongle for free, so I had not to spend money and so I did not had any regrets. I was sceptic about the iLok stuff in general. I never installed the driver for the iLok and the software, but after all I can say that all works fine and smooth. I got the best support I ever got since the last (yes I can say it now) years.

After I paid the money to Waves Universe the product was totally registered in my Waves account within 24 hours. But then I was really frustrated with the discs included in this book. Mostly all of them were not totally readable. The book itself is older, so perhaps it was not well stored at my local dealer. So I made my first contact to Waves support because I got my first WUP in my life.

And what was the result? Within 4 days I got new replacement discs from USA to Germany, great. Last month there was the Platinum discount month, so I upgraded to Platinum. The same process again. Great price and great support of Waves Universe.

As a result let me say that I get no money, neither from Waves, nor from Waves Universe for this thread. I do not want to excuse me, too. But after all the bad opinions about Waves (iLok, WUP etc.) I have to say that I am really happy now about my decision afterwards. My thread is not meant as a marketing process. Is is only my personal feeling that I was right to went the Waves way. Nothing against over companies, but for me the sound quality and the service of both companies (Waves: support and Waves Universe: price and support) were the reasons to post this

This thread is posted on several forum's because I want to spread my satisfied mood to anybody out there.

Thanks for reading my story.

Greetings from Germany