Any thoughts on a newbies discussion, and an advanced user discussion? I can't remember having to suggest people read the manual so many times in a couple of months as I have had to lately.
Or perhaps some kind of moderation... no questions of this type (obvious that the manual or help menu have been cracked) for the first 25 or so.
Or maybe a FAQ that lets someone know about the YouTube videos, or Mac Pro Video, Groove 3, or any other class, or any of the number of great books out there.
I really love helping people who take a bit of time to actually learn enough that their question has some intelligence and a margin of understanding of how Logic works, but this kind of RTFM type makes me wanna take a hike after 17 years or so around here.
Is there anything that can be done, aside from leaving or having to scan yet another post number 1 or 5 from some intelectualphobic individual who can't take a few seconds to crack anything other than their.... beer/soda/ "name your favorite drink or body part here"
Anyways, sorry to rant, the "noise" in the LUG is getting a bit loud.
Thanks admins, I know you have a difficult job, and I appreciate the work you put in.
Or perhaps some kind of moderation... no questions of this type (obvious that the manual or help menu have been cracked) for the first 25 or so.
Or maybe a FAQ that lets someone know about the YouTube videos, or Mac Pro Video, Groove 3, or any other class, or any of the number of great books out there.
I really love helping people who take a bit of time to actually learn enough that their question has some intelligence and a margin of understanding of how Logic works, but this kind of RTFM type makes me wanna take a hike after 17 years or so around here.
Is there anything that can be done, aside from leaving or having to scan yet another post number 1 or 5 from some intelectualphobic individual who can't take a few seconds to crack anything other than their.... beer/soda/ "name your favorite drink or body part here"
Anyways, sorry to rant, the "noise" in the LUG is getting a bit loud.
Thanks admins, I know you have a difficult job, and I appreciate the work you put in.