Logic Pro 8 No Audio With Firebox


New Member
I have a presonus firebox and i have it hooked up to my mac pro running logic 8. When I plug in the firebox there is no audio, none of my loops have audio, but there are levels. I can record my voice, but to hear it I have to unplug my firebox. When I record in Garage Band it works fine. How can I get sound to come out of the internal speakers when my firebox is plugged in?
You need to switch your audio preferences in Logic to use the Firebox's core audio drivers. And then hook up external speakers to the Firebox outputs. The whole point of using an audio interface like the Firebox is to _NOT_ use the internal speakers and built in I/O.
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nevermind , I found some speakers that will go in to the firebox, thank you for your help, probably would of blown the internal speakers anyway if i could of used them...
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