Logic Pro 9 Not hearing click


I am running Logic Pro9 w/MBP,Apogee Ensemble. I am out of town and do not have my Ensemble. I am using the output from MBP, when playing with software click selected I can see the signal in click channel and output 1-2 but no sound. When I play a chord on my controller during playback the click sounds, when I release my hand while logic is still playing the click can not be heard although the signal is still reading on the meters. A input would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Uploading picture(s) of what you describe could be useful to troubleshoot your issue.
-Showing which track is selected when you play from the controller and the click sound is to be heard (view of the Arrange and the involved channel strip meters in the Inspector.
-Showing the mixer with "All" selected while seeing the click signal when inaudible and when audible.
-Showing the Environment (clicks and port).
-Control-click (on the track header) to show the menu for the assignment of the metronome track output.
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