I am running Logic Pro9 w/MBP,Apogee Ensemble. I am out of town and do not have my Ensemble. I am using the output from MBP, when playing with software click selected I can see the signal in click channel and output 1-2 but no sound. When I play a chord on my controller during playback the click sounds, when I release my hand while logic is still playing the click can not be heard although the signal is still reading on the meters. A input would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I am running Logic Pro9 w/MBP,Apogee Ensemble. I am out of town and do not have my Ensemble. I am using the output from MBP, when playing with software click selected I can see the signal in click channel and output 1-2 but no sound. When I play a chord on my controller during playback the click sounds, when I release my hand while logic is still playing the click can not be heard although the signal is still reading on the meters. A input would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance