Spring is here! And so is our next NYLPUG Meeting:
Thursday, April 22nd.
Thursday, April 22nd.
Our April meeting will feature a guest presentation to kick things off. Patrick Noth is a freelance music producer, composer, sound designer, and mix engineer. He will be presenting sound and music that he's composed and designed for television. In addition there will be more fantastic Logic Tips and Tricks by both Jonathan and Steve: bring your questions and issues, and see if you can "Stump the Logic Guys"! Who knows, there may even be some swag! See you at Tekserve on Thursday, April 22nd, 6PM, at Tekserve.
As usual, RSVPs are appreciated: jonathan@nylpug.com
Mark your calenders for the the dates below and join us for some exciting Logic explorations and featured guests.
March 24th
April 22nd
May 19th
June 23rd
All the above NYLPUG meetings happen at Tekserve in NYC at 6pm.
More info, and signup for email notifications of future meetings, at: NYLPUG/MAT
Thanks - Jonathan and Steve
Mac Audio Trainers