Logic Pro Offset sound/position bar


Logic version
Mac OS
Hi, I'm hallucinating: overnight, without having changed any settings,
the sound of the recorded tracks comes before the playback head:

I lighten the project by removing all the unused audiofiles from the bin, then I save under a new name.
And there, the sound of the tracks comes AFTER the playhead:

I then reopen one by one the backups of the initial project to see when the bug appeared.
As I go back in time, I see that the bug is still there, all those days when I had been able to work without lag !

I go back again and again and bingo! July 4th at 6:00, no lag, everything is fine.
The bug occurs from the next backup, the one from July 4th at 1:00 p.m.
Comparing the two could perhaps help me get out of it but the simplest and fastest would be
to start over with a blank project and then import the tracks from my old project,
but once the import is done, the lag is here again.

So I decide to do things in two steps:
Create a new project, first import my Environment (which has evolved a lot since July 4th, I would so much like to find the one from yesterday),
then do a simple copy/paste of the tracks from one project to another.
But "Option > Import Environment > Layer > Audio" crashes Logic directly !

Am I the first to have this sound lag with the playhead? I hope not.
in any case if you suspect anything... thank you.
The latency reported by the plug-in must remain in the deactivated state. Otherwise, the entire latency could be changed during playback or recording when a plug-in is activated/deactivated. This would be audible.

However, I don't know why you have the incorrect position of the SPL during playback.
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