Logic Pro 9 Panning


Hei, hei!
I just now realized that each stereo channel I create (with an Input 1 & 2, or Input 3 & 4, with a stereo output) to record a track has only one panning knob. Thus, I can't pan the left stereo input to one side, and the right stereo input to the other. I can only pan the both left & right together - to one side or the other. I visited with a producer/engineer this week whos was using ProTools, and he was showing me some tips & tricks, and all channels in ProTools can be created with two panning knobs to separate left & right. Is this not possible in Logic Pro 9? Or am I just missing something?
Thanx in advance!
It's generally not the way Logic is used. With regular core audio drivers, Logic defaults to using interleaved stereo tracks that have a balance knob instead of two pan knobs.

If you really want this behaviour, go in to your audio preferences and disable universal track mode. This will give you two linked mono channel strips for each stereo track.

Alternatively, depending on exactly what your needs are, you can leave universal track mode on, and explore the direction mixer plug-in in order to manipulate what part of the stereo image is routed through the sends.
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Hei, hei!
I just now realized that each stereo channel I create (with an Input 1 & 2, or Input 3 & 4, with a stereo output) to record a track has only one panning knob. Thus, I can't pan the left stereo input to one side, and the right stereo input to the other. I can only pan the both left & right together - to one side or the other.

In this case the stereo refers to the output. So you have two outputs one is assigned L and the other R. The input is usually mono but if you bind two inputs together for stereo then you would want the pan to be at 12:00 right? I mean otherwise wouldn't you just want to have two independent mono inputs?

Just curious as to why you would do that?

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Hei robitaille59!

I had the honor & prviledge of sitting with a Grammy Award winning producer/engineer one afternoon last week while he talked about & showed me a variety of ways he records & produces. There was SO MUCH! But I took notes, and came away with a few tidbits to start incorporating into my recordings, as well as techniques & concepts to explore. He works in ProTools. At one point, he was discussing laying out a template so that if I have some idea in the middle of the night, I can pop up, open the template and BAM! I'm ready to lay out my idea before it dissipates. When he was setting up the drum tracks, he said one thing in passing about how he usually pans his L/R kick drum about a 1/4 or so to each side (L 1/4 to the left; R 1/4 to the right) to leave space for the bass to sound through the middle - in other words, the whole concept of not muddying up a piece by too many instruments of the same frequency occupying the same space. He was saying the kick and the bass usually share the same frequency, and can compliment each other or fight each other. I was thinking about this later, and while visiting my son who works on ProTools as well (a composer), I was listening to his latest piece, and noticed that he had 2 panning knobs per channel for all 23 tracks (except for one). This got me to thinking, and that's when I realized that Logic doesn't have this. Eli's suggestion didn't create what I was looking for. And I came to the same conclusion that you suggested: create two mono channels and separate the sound to each side. I also have done more experimenting with surround out, and this actually works great, as well. You can turn off any of the 3-5 surround "speakers" that you want. So I have been able to have just two "speakers" turned on and separate out sound, with nothing coming through the middle, in the same channel/track.

Thanx for your post!
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From what you are describing, using two grouped mono channel strips sounds like the best soloution. I often do this myself. In fact, I rarely actually record two mics onto a single stereo track. I record my drum overheads on two separate mono tracks, two mics on acoustic guitars, etc
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