Oh Logic is definitely packed with some great Soft-Synths, Drum & rhythm instruments as well as effects etc.
Many of them are quite good.

I'll go out on a limb and assume that you are interested in making electronic dance music (since your name here is EDM...
😉 )
You definitely have a lot to start with there. I have it on good authority that most of Tiesto's stuff uses the ES2 which is a fantastic flag-ship Logic synth.
And even though Logic was born from German Engineering (an Apple aquired company called eMagic in the early 2000's,) getting set up in Logic is pretty straight forward now.
One thing that Apple does well is simplifying things.
But there are books and tutorial vids out there as well which I would recommend just to get the hang of how/where Logic works.
In the past, I used macprovideo.com to learn Logic but I know there are other resources as well.
Logic used to use an application called Waveburner for making CDs but they have since discontinued it so maybe someone else can shed some light there for Redbook CD burning.
Make sure you pack the Mac Mini with more than the minimum RAM and enjoy!