Logic Pro (X) Piano Roll notes gone while recording another track


New Member
Let’s say I have 2 tracks:
Track 1: MIDI Instrument, with a region with notes.
Track 2: Audio, ready to record an instrument while visually FOLLOWING the Piano Roll of Track 1 region.

As soon as you hit record, LPX unselects all regions, so you lose sight of that track that you want to follow.
If you click on it again or while in the count-in, a few bars later it unselects the region again.

Also tried with independent window with piano roll, unlinked. Even worse, the piano roll stops showing the notes of region in Track 1 while recording, and AFTER you record, you see them again.

Thanks for your advice!!
Been doing some tests on different computers / sessions. I narrowed down the problem to one computer, one session.

Testing, so far I believe that, even if you are recording to an audio track, if ANY midi message is received from any controller, it will change the Piano Roll (even if unlinked) to reflect that message.

The problem is, no controller AFAIK is sending anything to the computer, so I'm not sure why we stop seeing the notes on the Piano Roll when recording on the Audio track.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
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