Pitch and Time LE


I have just found out that 64 bit development of Pitch and Time LE is put on hold.
This is of course sad news for the many users on this forum who bought the plugin in a group buy years ago. They are putting their focus on Pitch and Time for Pro Tools according to a post on their forum.
I hope that this will be the last of the big ones to go but we still have no UAD2, Speakerphone, Drumagog and a few other hi-end plugins in 64 bit versions. They have all stated that there will be 64 bit versions but so did Serato.....
We are still also waiting for AAS plugs update, although they finally released their Lounge Lizard in 64bit lately which is promising (hopefully)! BTW, the latter sounds great and appears bugless so far!🙂
I guess that the audo problems Mountain Lion introduced are at least partially responsible for that lenghten delay...🙁