Logic Pro Playing audio regions backwards

Open the Audio File in the Audio File Editor (used to be Sample Editor in previous versions of Logic), then go to Functions -> Reverse.
Bear in mind that this is a destructive step, so you may want to create a copy of the audio file prior to proceeding with this edit. Also, double clicking on an audio file in the Main/Arrange Window may open the Editor in track mode. Click File to access all the Menus, including the Functions Menu

kind regards

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Recently I've started using a different method: I right-click the region and select "Bounce In Place". Then I double-click the new created region (on its new track) to open it in the Editor, change the Editor's tab from "Track" to "File" and hit Control-Shift-R (Reverse under the Functions menu).

What I like with this method is that you can Bounce-In-Place several selected regions if you want. For example if setting up a reverse reverb swooosh fill-in leading into "the universes most epic chorus repeating outro" or whatever 🙂
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