Logic Pro 9 Post Roll - 2 Extra bars

Lincoln M

I am experiencing something in a session where I'm getting two bars of post roll. Not on every session just this one so I've selected something to create this - now how to undo it...

This happens with or with out cycle on, but seems to be limited to MIDI VI's.

Any ideas?

Are you talking about recording only? Or playback as well? I am presuming recording?

The fact that it is limited to MIDI VIs is the big question mark here. If it happened on any type of the track in the project there could be two very explainable causes. 1. It could be that you have enabled the post roll settings in the project settings (I think in the recording page, I'm not in front of Logic at the moment). 2. You could unknowingly have a marquee stripe enabled in the bar ruler.

But the fact the it is limited to MIDI only rules these both out.
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Thanks for the reply Eli. This is happening on playback only on instrument tracks. And it's not really a post roll because the transport stops, just the music plays on...:confused:
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Okay, now we're getting somewhere. It's not really post roll. Post roll would suggest that the transport still runs. It's likely got to do with the release envelope of whatever soft synth patch you're using. Look there to change it if you don't like it.

Is it happening on many different instrument tracks? if so, and it's not the release envelope; could it be a delay plug-in somewhere in your signal chain? Maybe on a bus somewhere?
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Yes it's happening on several tracks, including ultrabeats, so dont believe its a release issue...and I don't believe there is any routing to delay, but good thinking, I'll check and report back...grateful for getting some feedback.🙂
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In Preferences (can't remember now if it's General or MIDI Prefs) I remember there's a list of Reset Messages. Does the behaviour change if you check the MIDI 123 (All notes off) box? Just wondering, it may not help at all.

Sonny Keyes
Ricochet Audio
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Well I finally figured this one out today. While working on a project, I added the backwards guitar instrument and had the same problem. Removed the instrument, problem solved. So, I don't know if that's a bug or not, and don't really care, just excited to know what that was all about.

Now we can all rest!🙄
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Could you be more precise about the VI involved?

Name of the plugin?, 32 or 64bit version?
Does it do some problem in MainStage?:confused:
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The cause was a logic sofware instrument. Reverse clean electric guitar. I was using 32 bit, and have not tried to reproduce the problem in mainstage.
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Thanx for your feedback

I have encountered various "buggyish" problems with the use of the 32bit plugin bridge,which often occurs in both MainStage and Logic...
Maybe the problem is there?
Does it exist a 64bit version of "Reverse clean electric guitar"... (sorry I did not know about the existence of that plugin!?):redface:
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