Logic Pro Preference for limiting recording to selected track?


This happens about twice a day: I record some audio. I switch to a midi track and record something there. Then I find I've also accidentally added a take to the audio track because I forgot to toggle off the record enable button there.

Is there a preference or trick for limiting recording to the selected track, or the the last track where I have enabled the record button? That's the default behavior with the software instrument tracks, but not with the audio tracks. I almost never record on more than one track at a time. I'd love to limit recording on one track at a time as the default. Possible?


This isn't the answer you want to hear, but a good habit to develop is to always disarm your audio tracks after finishing a recording. Personally, usually after I finish an audio recording, the first thing I want to do is play it back and make sure it sounds okay. Try and remember to either hit Control+R or the little flashing R button before you do that.
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Dang! I want some way to save myself from myself. It's hard to get in the habit of clicking off the r button because the software instrument tracks don't behave that way. But thanks for the reply. It's good to know I can stop looking for a preference.
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