Hi...this is probably something quite simple, but i'm new to logic, and need help. I found that the pre's on my firebox weren't loud enough for mic recording, so I got a small ART Tube preamp, which I'm told creates a line level signal, and should then be plugged into the 'line in' on the back of the firebox. I've plugged my condenser into the preamp, preamp into a line in on the firebox, and record-enabled a track in logic, but i'm getting next to nothing registering on the channel strip, even with the preamp up pretty high. Tried the same in Garageband, with the same frustrating result. In my system prefs, i've set the audio input and output to the firebox, and get a nice bold signal on the mic input meter there. I've done the same on the logic preferences, but still getting nothing. Wondering if anyone can help....