Re-Linking EXS Sampler Instruments & Samples
Re-Linking EXS Sampler Instruments & Samples
1 - Curious what you think of this concept:
I have an external drive that I'd like to be able to move to several computers and use as my samples drive. To keep things consistent, I thought it best to keep BOTH EXS Sampler Instruments & Samples on this drive. Then I can just create aliases of the EXS Sampler Instruments and drop them in the main logic support folder. That way I can easily just move the drive to either computer for the greatest flexibility.
Is this ok to do? Is there a better way?
2 - I'd like to re-link many EXS Sampler Instruments to their samples. I used to use the ExsManager but that stopped working a while back. Is there another way to have logic do all the re-linking instead?
Redhead Webcam
Re-Linking EXS Sampler Instruments & Samples
1 - Curious what you think of this concept:
I have an external drive that I'd like to be able to move to several computers and use as my samples drive. To keep things consistent, I thought it best to keep BOTH EXS Sampler Instruments & Samples on this drive. Then I can just create aliases of the EXS Sampler Instruments and drop them in the main logic support folder. That way I can easily just move the drive to either computer for the greatest flexibility.
Is this ok to do? Is there a better way?
2 - I'd like to re-link many EXS Sampler Instruments to their samples. I used to use the ExsManager but that stopped working a while back. Is there another way to have logic do all the re-linking instead?
Redhead Webcam