I preferred "capture last take" like it used to be... it would only capture the last pass if you were looping, not the way it does now (recording every pass into a take folder buffer). I also find the way the loop can have the beginning or end in the wrong spot to be a bit embarrassing when teaching someone the function.
In addition, it's quite a weird thing that your normal MIDI recording preferences (in this case "no take folders" or whatever) have absolutely no effect on "capture last take". There's always take folders created and they aren't selected (the latter, all too clearly, being a bug).
For someone new to Logic, these might be small issues. But for anybody who's worked (and loved it!) with CLT for the last, say, decade, this is a straight slap in the face.
It's only since the event of Logic 9 that I've actually "recorded" MIDI data. Simply because CLT is broken so much. With any previous version - well, I can't even rememeber the moment I actually pressed my record KC when dealing with MIDI. I always used CLT.
Admittedly, the bug that the "flatten" command for MIDI take folders has been fixed in 9.1.1, but how much is that worth when the created take folder isn't selected? Extra "mouse work" - just as in so many areas.
So, you are not alone in thinking that Logic has a few "one step forward, 2 step back" issues going on now.
I think it's a lot of us "oldtimers" thinking that way.
And when are we going to be able to select more than 1 track at a time to move things up or down in the arrange window (or mixer for that matter)?. It is so frustrating explaining that "that's just the way Logic (?) works" to new users and some very serious composers I work with.
I've actually never been embarassed about that until recently, when I had to re-order a whole bunch of tracks in a whole bunch of songs. I prefer "working" on the lowest tracks/regions and also like to have a certain track mixer organisation (these days, the Environment mixer, which is what I've used exclusively until L8, is a complete mess, but that's another story...). Being able to move multiple tracks simultaneously would be a great improvement for such tasks.
I hope these issues get figured out. And sooner than later.
Just don't hope too much. It seems as if those issues aren't adressed anymore.
As an example: Ever since L8, the local menu pulldowns don't behave like normal pulldowns anymore. When you open one pulldown menu, you can usually "hover" on to the next menu without selecting it again (with a mouseclick, that is). This is an OSX-wide "convention" (well, it's also "Windows-wide"). It obviously used to work with Logics local submenus, too. Since L8 it doesn't anymore. And it still doesn't in L9. In neither version.
I mean, come on, this is a system-wide feature. And Logic is a part of Apple. Yet, this "normal" feature doesn't work.
Same with window focusing. Do you have any problems to see which is the active window in most programs under OSX? No, you don't, simply because there's the colored "window buttons" (red, orange, green). Has been like that for the internal windows in Logic, too. But with L8 they decided to change this to their socalled "Pro Application" look. Which, apart from making several things a lot harder (such as actually being able to read in several menus, due to the massively reduced font size...), is just clueless. Even with the somewhat "enhanced" window focusing indices of L9 (in fact, they're a joke), you still have a tough time to see which window is the active one. Why is that? I mean, it's almost (no, it's indeed not almost, but always) something systemwide. Active windows have colored "window buttons". Spotting the active window/program isn't an issue at all. Not so with Logic (and probably some more of Apples socalled "Pro Applications"). Spotting an active window is quite like a "hit or miss" game. This has been an issue for many Logic users ever since L8. And it hasn't been adressed at all (unless you want to call the "white blink" that informs you about a KC being invalid for an active window as "being adressed properly" - which nobody with a clue would do).
I think the list of things falling into a similar category is getting really long. On very rare occasions, they may get fixed (such as the floating extended parameter box, which was missing through all L8 incarnations), most of the time, they aren't. I have carefully reported many of these issues through Apples very own feedback formular. I'm sure quite some others have done so, too. They don't get adressed, though. Very frustrating!